Julian Jarrold quotes:

  • As a director you want to show the truth of people and sometimes that's unflattering, or it's not something that people want to see.

  • The thing about Hitchcock is that, however much one dissects him, he still manages to hang onto his mystery. You can never quite get to the bottom of him.

  • If you try to do a look-alike and an impersonation, then that's just not conducive to good drama.

  • My philosophy is always, "Let's get the spirit of the character." If people believe in it and the spirit of it, then it will work.

  • I'm not interested in doing a simple, straightforward action movie, unless they want to pay me lots of money.

  • I'm looking for richness, complexity, and characters that have different layers and that you don't really get bored of.

  • There's so much energy that's needed, for every stage of the process, so I don't want to do something that I'm bored by with characters that I don't like or actors that aren't going to surprise you.

  • It's difficult to make the interesting feature films that don't fit easily into a genre, even on modest budgets. It's tough to get those films made, but I'd rather try to get those films made than compromise too much.
