Joyce Guo quotes:

  • When facing the world always remember stand tall back straight chin up and always put a smile on your face

  • I waited and waited I wonder if there's something wrong with me. I've been alone and abandoned. I wondered if I will I be love will I know happiness. I can stay in this darkness forever but then again I can walk towards a light of hope. There only obstacle is me.

  • My heart had been crush torn and crumble but I'm still here and I'm not broken I'm still fighting my way out

  • I rip out my wings I so I can't be free, I rip up my wounds so it doesn't heal, if I rip out my heart does this mean I can't feel

  • Each step I take is one I can never get back each thing I do is forever in history each word a person say is forever imprinted in one's memory so be careful of your words or action. For it maybe your last

  • I can all have all the money in the world, hold all the power, or be worshiped like a god but all are meaningless without love.

  • If everything was perfect in your life won't it be a predictable one. Life is unpredictable chaotic and madness but that's what makes life interesting won't you agree?
