Jon Acuff quotes:

  • Fear would have told the Wright brothers not to fly. Fear would have told Rosa Parks to change seats. Fear would have told Steve Jobs that people hate touchscreens.

  • Pitting your dream against someone else's is a fantastic way to get discouraged and depressed.

  • Sometimes God redeems your story by surrounding you with people who need to hear your past so it doesn't become their future.

  • Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

  • I want the peace in knowing that is wasn't for lack of hustling that I missed a target for my dream. I want to know that the one thing in my control was under control.

  • In order to survive, I came up with a five-step secret to getting it all done. If you're busy too, feel free to use it:1. Admit that you can't possibly get it all done.

  • When you keep your day job, all opportunities become surplus propositions rather than deficit remedies. You only have to take the ones that suit your dream best."

  • Sometimes when jerks become Christians, it's like a bully learning karate. Instead of having Christ transform our hearts and attitudes, we now have a new method with which to beat you up....what was once just 'forcing everyone to agree with my opinion' is now 'forcing everyone to agree with my opinion in the name of God.
