John Hewson quotes:

  • I think the Prime Minister has embarked on a journey and he has no idea where he's taking us.

  • The reality is, it will be a significant conflict going for many, many months, if not longer. Saddam Hussein is not a fool. He hasn't been sitting there waiting to get shot for 13 years.

  • Tony Blair will probably get thrown out by his party.

  • I never wanted to separate from either wife. It was accumulated stress. We had virtually no time to ourselves. After politics we were both working very hard to establish new careers.

  • I've been arguing this for months. This is not our war. This is not a war we should be in. Australia's better spending its time negotiating with North Korea.

  • I was just absolutely exhausted. The media said I've been treated for a nervous breakdown. All that stuff I just took as people taking the opportunity when you're down to give you a kick.

  • The only person you resent is yourself.

  • Hussein has a strategy. I'm sure he'll implement that strategy, and it would be to our detriment. We're embarking on an exercise about which we know nothing.

  • I got a bit enamoured with bigger houses and things like that.

  • To send our troops, our ships, our planes to this war is ridiculous.

  • I was not a politician.

  • I had this habit of an academic of answering the question. I should have fobbed it off.

  • I'm not tied to any particular political line.

  • We've lost sight of our role in the region and our view of our colleagues in the region.

  • To make us a terrorist target in a region that is full of terrorism is dumb and unforgiveable.
