Henry Cisneros quotes:

  • The hurricane complicates things in that what would have been purely a business decision becomes a decision of the heart.

  • As Secretary of Housing, I do have to express alarm, signal the alarm if you will, that the potential for homelessness to grow is there.

  • The cancer doesn't bother me. I have great faith that the technology will beat it.

  • Place-based initiatives can provide a useful framework to judge our progress in raising people out of poverty. They allow us to see whether or not a neighborhood is improving and its residents are living better.

  • We can either allow our youth to shoot baskets or watch them continue to shoot people.

  • We have to be honest, we have to be truthful and speak to the one dirty secret in American life, and that is racism.

  • Americans are a can-do people, an enthusiastic people, a problem-solving people. And when given a direction and given a plan, they'll sign on.

  • I dont think we have any time to waste.

  • Like piles of dry wood with red-hot coals underneath.

  • There are some benefits [that illegal aliens] clearly ought not have...[including] health benefits and welfare benefits and others that serve as a magnet attracting people here from other countries.
