Felix Wantang quotes:

  • You know the Holy Spirit lives in you when you can defend the Holy Bible without fear or intimidation. John 14:1.

  • If supernatural life in God's paradise is more important than natural life on earth, then the day you received Jesus Christ is more important than the day you were naturally born. Jon 3:6

  • When we look at life through the eyes of Jesus Christ, it is absolutely impossible to see any obstacles. Matthew 11:28-30.

  • We have created Black, White, Asian, and other racial Churches; but we fail to understand that there is only one Church and one Gospel.It is the Church and Gospel of Jesus Christ. John 1:12

  • God knows what you need because all you need is Jesus who is God.Matthew 6:25-34.

  • If you don't read the Holy Bible, you don't stand a chance with the antichrist.

  • Satan doesn't want the gospel to be preached in the whole world because he is afraid of what comes after that - the End of the Age. Matthew 24:14

  • If Satan really wanted to face Jesus Christ in a battle, he will be facilitating the End of the Age by helping to spread the gospel to the whole world. This must be fulfilled for the End to come. Matthew 24:14

  • Any process that fails the Common Sense Test, cannot pass a Biblical Test. Those who have more should share with those who have none or less; not the other way round. Prosperity Gospel is antichrist.

  • Do not be afraid to preach the gospel; Jesus Christ was not afraid to die on the cross.

  • Jesus is not asking you to sell the gospel; Jesus is asking you to preach the gospel. Mark 16:15

  • The world is not looking for proof of Jesus Christ; the world knew everything about Jesus when they crucified him. The world is guilty. John 16:5-8.

  • God did not give us the gospel to convince humanity; the gospel was given to us to master the language of a new world called God's Paradise. John 15:16.

  • You cannot give what you don't have; you must be truly saved to preach the gospel.

  • God is looking for fearless and courageous faith rooted in obedience of His law. This is what it takes to work for God. Joshua 1:1-9

  • Satan is hopelessly desperate as Jesus waits patiently.

  • As a rich man, when you mock the poor you fail the test of wealth.

  • Do not envy the rich; pity them. Matthew 19:24.

  • If Jesus has to do it all over again, there will be more people shouting Crucify him.You are not here to make the world a better place. Mark 15:13

  • Jesus thought us how to pray because the Lord's Prayer is the image of the Ten Commandments.

  • Jesus taught us how to pray because The Lord's Prayer is the spiritual image of the Ten Commandments.

  • Those who engage in deception generally have nothing good to offer; Satan has nothing good to offer humanity. John 8:44

  • It is no secret that the world hates Christianity; but when the world runs out of options, they desperately look for God.

  • If wealth is a blessing from God, then salvation was designed for the wealthy. Money can never please your soul.

  • To know Jesus Christ, you must first understand his supernatural identity. He is God.

  • The doorbells of Heaven were designed for the prayers of the poor.

  • As a Christian, you are not here to change the world; you are here to save the world. Jesus came to save the world.

  • The answer to the prayer of a rich man is in the hands of the poor.

  • As a spiritual leader, you are here to serve; not to be served. Stop robbing the poor. Jesus came to serve.

  • Humanity is completely consumed with the pleasures of the flesh; we have been self-programmed to lose consciousness of the soul.

  • Jesus Christ is not just the solution to your problems; Jesus Christ is in your problems and your solutions. Without him nothing moves.John 1:3

  • At the gates of Heaven, if you had the chance to plead your case before Jesus, what will you say? Say nothing because your words cannot save you. John 3:16

  • The battle on the cross reveals just how little Satan understands God; he did not see plan B coming from God. But Jesus knew everything. John 3:16

  • If Jesus has to do it all over again, there will be more people shouting "Crucify him".You are not here to make the world a better place. Mark 15:13

  • In life, if you are refused membership to a club, you get a refund check for dues paid; what happens to your tithes if Jesus denies you entry to God's Paradise? Mal. 3:10.

  • All spiritual leaders who live in luxury cannot enter God's Paradise in Heaven. Repent or Perish.

  • The truth shall set you free only if you cherish the taste of freedom. John 8:31-32

  • God did not force Salvation on humanity; He made it a gift dependent on the free will of the recipient because He is not interested in numbers. Mega Churches are numbers. Matthew 7:13-14.

  • When God gives you wealth, it is not a blessing; it is a test. He wants to test your faith in Him plus your desire and willingness to share. Be careful with the love of money.

  • Any teachings that fail to recognize Jesus Christ as the author of life, is absolutely antichrist.John 1:1-13.

  • You cannot love God and tolerate evil. Psalm 97:10.

  • If you lose God's paradise in Heaven, then you never existed.

  • True faith in God through Jesus Christ, must be manifested with fearless spirit and obedience to God's law. Joshua 1:1-11

  • You cannot successfully follow Jesus Christ unless you learn how to overcome fear through his name.John 14:1-4.

  • Atheists are not the enemy; the real enemy knows Jesus Christ. Satan and all false prophets know very well that Jesus came from heaven, but still reject him. Matthew 10:36

  • All the wealth in this sinful world, cannot buy one second of life in God's Paradise.

  • When you become a Christian, you are not on earth to fight for Jesus; God needed only one battle to redeem the souls of humanity. It was the cross.

  • Deeply immersed in a constant bubble bath of sin, you cannot communicate with Jesus Christ unless you are ready to get out of the bath. John 1:9

  • Christianity was derailed when Bible Schools became certification centers for true apostles of Christ. Where is the Holy Spirit? John 16:13

  • There is absolutely no reward on earth for being a Christian. You get it only on payday in Heaven, not while you are still working for Jesus on earth.

  • To understand Jesus Christ, you must know the Language of Heaven.

  • We must carefully examine our relationship with Jesus Christ before we make any attempts to introduce him to strangers. Matthew 7:21-23

  • When Satan tempted Adam, he was disguised as a serpent; when Satan tempted Jesus, he was not disguised. As we approach the End of the Age, Satan will gradually unmask himself. Matthew 24 and Revelation 13

  • The Holy Bible is the Spirit of God exposed to humanity in the Language of Heaven.

  • Application does not guarantee citizenship; it is granted by the government. In Heaven, citizenship is granted only by Jesus Christ the ultimate judge. Matthew 7:15-23

  • God is only interested in fulfilling your needs, not your wants; learn to successfully weed out your wants from your needs. Matthew 6:8
