Elizabeth Jagger quotes:

  • Finnegans Wake,' 'Alice and Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass' live on my bedside table back home in London.

  • People assume that because I was brought up on Rolling Stones tours, and my father is who he is, I'm some kind of rock-and-roll bad girl.

  • Never dress older than you are! The five wardrobe items you must have are a nice pair of well-fitting shoes, pajamas, sexy yet comfortable lingerie, a party dress in a bold colour and a jumpsuit.

  • I don't tweet. I prefer face-to-face communication and sometimes Instagram.

  • My parents have influenced my fashion choices. I inherited many of their older garments, and I like their style. I love my mother's elegant and dramatic couture dresses and the feeling for colour my father has.

  • On bad days, I like to wear something colourful so I strike attention. That's how I appear confident to others - and how I get confident.

  • I've been asked to pose for Playboy.

  • I thought that the fashion world could be a bit fake sometimes, but it's nothing compared to Hollywood. These girls would walk over their grandmothers' graves to get a part, and the producers talk about actresses like they're dirt, picking over every part of them so that they end up paranoid and having surgery.

  • I think my craziest hair was when I first went red for my 30th birthday. My idea was The Little Mermaid because I always wanted to be her and then I was going to be I love Lucy and every red-haired character that you can imagine. It was really cartoon red and now I'm in the more natural believable tones.

  • I'm really lucky because my mom is a good beauty muse.

  • My mother gave me an Oscar de la Renta Gone with the Wind ballgown dress. I've never had a place to wear it out to because it's so old-fashioned fancy and beautiful, so I need to find a place to wear it but if I don't, I'll still keep it forever.

  • I've been listening to quite a lot of classical music like Erik Satie, and quite a lot of blues.
