David Amerland quotes:

  • Search is the means through which we navigate the Web. If your business is not visible in search it is difficult for it to be found by your customers. Search, above all else, is marketing, and it is undergoing a massive change.

  • Leaders lead by example. No leader asks more than he is prepared to give himself.

  • A business needs a character and an identity, just like a person and just like a person it needs to have a Voice.

  • The greatest challenge on the Web in the twenty-first century is to connect with your target audience in a way that enriches both them and you.

  • Life at the edge of the world, it was felt, could go on forever.

  • Risks must balance rewards.

  • Initial or mutual trust (the type of trust that makes us, irrationally, trust strangers) then enabled the complex planning that allowed man to transition from a tribe of hunter-gatherers whose fate depended on external factors to an agricultural society where complex, planned outcomes could be put into motion.

  • Despite the fact that logic tells us that we should not trust anyone, in any situation where the unknown variables are too many or the risks too high, we nevertheless go ahead and take what can only be called a leap of faith.

  • Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation.

  • Trust is what monetizes the attention economy.

  • The social media web is a very noisy one indeed and making sure that you are heard requires you to shout more effectively, rather than louder.

  • Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation. The problem with this (if we can call it a problem) is that this conversation takes place frequently asynchronously and often across platforms.

  • In the digital domain trust is now important not only because we really need to know how to trust people and whom to trust but because we need others to trust us and have to learn how to help them do so.

  • Trust cannot, in the real world, be just a matter of personal choice.

  • When something is as fundamental as trust the danger is that everyone thinks they understand what it is and therefore fail to define it.

  • The presence of Knowledge Based Trust in organizations gives rise to a high level of interpersonal trust amongst their members and creates cohesive units out of a loose bunch of people.

  • Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks: it gives us immediacy, direction, a sense of clarity and value as an individual.

  • Social media is not rocket science. This, however, does not make it easy either.

  • Real search is about providing valuable information when it's really needed to those who are actually looking for it.

  • Social media is the empowerment of the individual at the expense of the system.
