D.R. Silva quotes:

  • Christians are famous for telling people to be child-like and yet one of the greatest qualities of a child (the never ending list of questions) is often discouraged.

  • The worst tragedy of sin isn't that it produced bad behavior, but that it produced the idea that bad behavior is strong enough to deflect love.

  • People who say we are just preaching extreme grace must not understand how extremely gracious our Father is.

  • I used to be afraid of the dark until I learned that I am light and the dark is afraid of me.

  • Forgiveness of sins is great, but I'd rather have the ability to quit doing the things I keep needing forgiveness for.

  • Repentance is a result of God's kindness, not a prerequisite to it."

  • My job as a Christian is not to get people to heaven when they die, it's to get heaven to people while they're alive

  • If sickness brought glory God, Jesus would have spread disease, not healed it.

  • Here is a very simple and trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: If it's not about Christ, it's not Christianity.

  • A piece of paper doesn't make you a pastor any more than making predictions makes you a prophet.

  • Law does, because God said so!; Grace does because it understands the reason God said so.

  • I only run from darkness when I'm not confident in my ability to shine.

  • Ask the question, receive the answer; don't ask the question, don't receive the answer.

  • How can a God who said, Love your enemiesspend so much time killing His own?

  • I will never compromise Truth for the sake of getting along with people who can only get along when we agree.

  • People always want the bad guy to pay for his sin, until they're him.

  • How can a God who said, Love your enemies spend so much time killing His own~?
