Cortney S. Warren quotes:

  • The more we lie to ourselves about how we are contributing to our problems, the more harm we will cause to ourselves and our relationships because we will blame others for undesirable aspects of our lives instead of taking responsibility for our role.

  • I cannot overemphasize the impact our childhood has on our ability to be honest because we live out what we learned as children in our adult relationships.

  • Self-deception comes from not having enough psychological strength to admit the truth and deal with the consequences that will follow when the truth is acknowledges.

  • When we aren't honest with ourselves about who we are and what we want, we allow other people and circumstance to determine our life course.

  • The truth is that pain is not inherently bad for us; pain is information.

  • One major cost of self-deception is that we use painful life experiences to justify being non-ideal versions of ourselves.

  • The areas in which we felt most insecure, unsafe, unloved, uncomfortable, embarrassed, angry, and generally unresolved as a child are the areas that we will be most prone to self-deception as an adult.

  • We lie to reflect the aspirational goals that we unconsciously know we will not uphold.

  • Perhaps the most tragic way that self-deception harms us is that we start believing our lies and we teach them to others.
