Cathleen Falsani quotes:

  • Justice is getting what you deserve.

  • While it's true that you may lose your religion during the course of a lifetime, you never lose your salvation. Once you let Jesus in your kitchen, he just keeps on making peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and he never leaves.

  • In her inestimable audacity, Julia was the catalyst in my life for something beautiful. I hadn't anticipated her-hadn't even wanted her, truthfully-but there she was. A little something extra that made all the difference in the world.

  • Grace has a way of sneaking up on you like that. When you least deserve it.

  • Trying to explain or define grace is like catching the wind in a cardboard box or describing the color green.

  • Laughter is grace in its gaseous form.

  • Maybe that's why Jesus was so fond of parables: Nothing describes the indescribable like a good yarn.

  • Music is a vehicle that propels me and so many other people toward a place we might call grace.

  • My nun, which is how I think of her, was the most profound witness for God's love I've ever encountered in this world. She was a magnet for lost souls, a petite fortress of strength and unconditional love. What this sprightly, silly, lovely woman did from the obscurity of a faded convent in Rust Belt Chicago was to fulfill in a passionate, tireless way the supreme commandment of Jesus' gospel every day of her life.

  • Grace doesn't obsess with ourselves. It obsesses with people and with brokenness. This is a hard place to live, but God is bigger than hard places to live.

  • You can call it what you like, categorize it, vivisect it, qualify, quantify, or dismiss it, and none of it will make grace anything other than precisely what grace is: audacious, unwarranted, and unlimited.
