Brandi L. Bates quotes:

  • Remember to remember: sometimes your adversary is your biggest asset. Where would David be without Goliath? Jesus without Judas?

  • But believe it or not, I really do like to read. I don't think anyone can ever pull the wool over your eyes if you stay prayed up and read. Frederick Douglass said that no man can be a slave if he has knowledge.

  • Everyone's life changes when they meet their Obi-Wan & their Yoda, or their Morpheus & their Oracle; those who help remove the veil.

  • His ruby red rimmed moist eyes were two glasses of cranberry. He wore a cashmere sweater the color of Earl Grey tea...

  • Fruit falls when you shake the tree. You have to keep making things happen.

  • You will be perpetually unhappy if you continue to refuse to walk in your calling.

  • Every morning I look in the mirror and remind myself: "No one owes you sh*t!" In this way, I am never disappointed. Never placing blame.

  • In order to grow, I promise you'll have to let go of some habits. 10 times out of 10, they'll be the habits you're most in love with.

  • Some roses grow through concrete. Remember that.

  • Never accept yourself as a finished product. Be a finished product when you die. As long as you have breath in your lungs, expand yourself.

  • The most empowering thing you can do though is to create innovative ways to bring in livable wages. That begins with a debt free lifestyle.

  • You settle for less, you get less.

  • Drama does not just walk into our lives. Either we create it, invite it, or associate with it.

  • Be selective in your battles...

  • The reason why many people remain on the bottom is because they play to 'not lose', as opposed to playing to win at all costs.

  • I would tell my 14 year old self to never ever, ever put all of your money in one bank account. And love the ones who love you back. You're going to want to quitDON'T! Oh, and get everything in writing.

  • No matter what the industry you choose to ultimately invest all your time and energy in, be sure you're the owner, founder, and CEO. Remember, if you don't own it, you can't control it nor can you depend on it.

  • I would tell my 14 year old self to never ever, ever put all of your money in one bank account. And love the ones who love you back. You're going to want to quit...DON'T! Oh, and get everything in writing.

  • Your skin reminds me of everything beautiful I've ever lovedhow the moon gets jealous at how you mock her crescent figure with the shape of your mouthecho of unborn galaxies bounce forth through your vocal chords

  • Unapologetically smitten with thunderstorms...the thought of rough sex beneath an acid washed moon and hydrated stars...

  • When my son speaks of playing sports, I've always told him: playing on the team is great, but aspire to be the guy who owns the team. I've always told my son: most of the guys on the team will end up bankrupt with bum knees, but not the guy who owns that franchise.

  • Understand: I don't ever want to be equal to any other being. I always want to be all things, in all circumstances.

  • No one is born with equality. We all come here with varying degrees of opportunities, qualities, strengths, weaknesses, IQ, etc.

  • Do little things every day that no one else seems to want to do, be patient, and success will find you.

  • Sometimes transitional periods in life leave you feeling like a great big jumble of loose, split ends.

  • A writer will divine a metaphor from a pattern on a dress, or a gesture, because sunsets have been done before.

  • Give me Pablo Neruda, picnic beneath a full moon & iridescent stars, black olives, cherries, dark things, canoe on a riverthat's romance.
