Betty Cuthbert quotes:

  • My parents always encouraged me and I had a good home life. We were always taught to respect things and other people. It's so different today, because children are just not taught the right way.

  • My salvation was a free gift. I didn't have to work for it and it's better than any gold medal that I've ever won.

  • I realised from a very early age that God gave me a gift, and that gift was to run, and I wanted to use it to the best of my ability.

  • The integral part of being a star is having the will to win. All the champions have it.

  • Everything I did that required effort, I opened my mouth. Even to catch a ball, I opened my mouth.

  • My salvation was a free gift. I didn't have to work for it and it's better than any gold medal that I've ever won

  • You've got to stick at a thing, a particular thing, until you succeed.I feel that's the only way to succeed - by concentrating on something in particular. Once you know what you've got to do you will succeed, you will succeed.

  • I always felt free when I ran. I suppose that's what was good about it.

  • I don't concentrate on things I can't do. I do what I can do.

  • My parents always encouraged me and I had a good home life. We were always taught to respect things and other people. It's so different today, because children are just not taught the right way

  • No way did I ever think I was going to win the 100m

  • Everything I did that required effort, I opened my mouth. Even to catch a ball, I opened my mouth

  • My favourite event was the 200m, so as I won the 100m, I thought it was possible I'd win the 200m

  • I realised from a very early age that God gave me a gift, and that gift was to run, and I wanted to use it to the best of my ability

  • I can understand how evolution says, "don't believe in God", but I've never had this problem. I've always loved His creation. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean any_thing to some people, and I just don't get that! After all, if you just read the Bible plainly, it tells you everything. From Creation, to the Flood, to Jesus. I can't see how you can come to the conclusion, there is no God.
