Ben Huh quotes:

  • The Internet is far more engaging as an interactive medium than broadcast. Barriers to creating content are going away; they're almost gone. People are taking control of their entertainment. People are Tweeting, posting on Facebook and YouTube.

  • I know a lot of people love applications on their phone, but I'm like, 'Yeah, I understand the nice experience, but there's something about it that doesn't flow well.' Opening an app, closing it, moving to something else. There's something about the open web that's very free flowing.

  • Entrepreneurs go through real problems and come up with real solutions. It's not fake. You can do all the right things and still lose. You can do all the wrong things and still will.

  • I want to be happy. I realized that being happy isn't necessarily about getting there, it's how you get there. It almost sounds like a cliche, but every entrepreneur I've talked to - every good entrepreneur - really enjoys the 'how you get here.'

  • I don't need to have someone tell me what I'm going to be entertained by.

  • Get away from the place that makes you feel comfortable with your depression. The reality is it's never as bad as the insanity you've created in your head.

  • New media's not very old, hence the word new, so we don't know a lot of things about new media and by the time you've taught it it's probably out of date. I think it's much more beneficial to have an experiential lesson versus a classroom lesson in new media.

  • The Internet's a big enough place for everybody to be happy.

  • I want to know everything there is to know about a specific area. And it's winning at that mastery that really drives me. I want to be best at something. I don't even know what 'this' is, but there's this inner drive to be the best.

  • The awesome part about The Book of Awesome is the realization that if you enjoy the simple moments in your life, you will be happier.

  • The fact of the matter is that the Internet has brought together millions of people who trust one another for reasons that are unknown.

  • The time to realize that you need to transition out of your job is when you know that you've grown out of the role that you were doing before.

  • Human nature has a tendency to admire complexity but reward simplicity.

  • I'm always throwing out ideas, so it's not creativity, it's just volume.

  • There's a fundamental difference between people who want to see the Internet and say - 'Let's lobotomize and censor parts of it because we need to control it' - and those like us who see the Internet as a method of growing the economy and innovating in front of the world. And we have to actually reconcile those two positions. And we believe that it is much better to protect this crown jewel of civilization, which is the ability for us to communicate and express our ideas freely, than to try to lobotomize it.

  • The worst thing in the world is to be bland.

  • Only those who live forever can act like there's time to waste.

  • We tell ourselves we're here to be flexible and to be nimble, and not necessarily to stick to a master plan.
