Asa Don Brown quotes:

  • Letting go of the past, is like opening the flood gates of healing to be set free.

  • The process of grieving any loss is dependent upon your relationship to the person.

  • Self-talk reflects your innermost feelings.

  • Love is an unconditional state of being.

  • Pure happiness and peace are at their peak when your body is in harmony with itself.

  • Shame and blame should have no place in our body, mind, or spirit.

  • What is an unconditional state?

  • In simple, the past is a time gone by and no longer exists in the present moment, but we choose to allow this past to occupy our minds, our bodies and our very existence.

  • Loss has no friend, no allies, no benefit to the human spirit.

  • Forgiveness has the ability to transform our thoughts.

  • Perfectionists are not all negative, miserable, unhappy and over controlling individuals

  • Are you living in the moment?

  • Living in the past is like choosing to cling to a chronic illness.

  • Remind children that their successes and failures are not representations of their worth.

  • Healthy communication and an unconditional environment can prove the greatest asset to defeating at-risk behaviors."

  • Children are barometers of the chaos that exists within their lives.

  • The benefits of forgiveness are limitless.

  • Forgiveness is the intentional act or process of pardoning or offering absolution unto another.

  • As an individual, you are entitled to your time of grief, process of grief, and right to grieve.

  • Our perceptions are influenced by our surroundings.

  • Are you seeking to be offended?

  • All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.

  • Love is a sacrificial item

  • The loss of a child exploits the emotions of each individual it encounters.

  • Life is a purposeful action.

  • What are the messages that you are entertaining?

  • A life lived without forgiveness is a life lived in the past.

  • Living in the past is a conscious or an unconscious choice made through a connection to the past.

  • Spanking a child is about the parent not the child. The child will learn more from positive correction than physical manipulation.

  • As a father, we need to actively listen.

  • The process of grief and loss is as unique as your personal DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); no two individuals will have the same experiences or relationship to grief.

  • The loss of my child broke my spirit.

  • Do not allow yourself to be a thermometer which gauges the temperature, rather be a thermostat which changes your environment.

  • Worldview is often confused with perception; rather, it is our perception that influences our worldview.

  • Resiliency is not gender-, age-, or intellectually specific...

  • Allow yourself to be an anchor and anchored by others.

  • There is no greater grief, than when a parent losses a child.

  • Childhood trauma does not come in one single package.

  • Trauma does not have to occur by abuse alone...

  • An anchor should be someone who is personally open and willing to communicate.

  • Perception is a vice with which each person is capable of perceiving his or her reality.

  • Perception and worldview are one's summary of life.

  • Perfectionism is adaptive if you are mindful of your humanhood.

  • For far too long, the female gender has been plagued with stereotypes, typecasting, as well as, subtle and blatant discrimination.

  • Resiliency is the essence of a global positive framework...

  • Forgiveness is the ultimate liberator of our mind, body, and spirit.

  • Trauma can have a masking effect.
