Angel Grant quotes:

  • I think that you are serving others when you share pieces of yourself with other people.

  • Nothing inhibits healing like shame.

  • Yoga is living as awareness itself - with nothing pulling or pushing you.

  • Addiction struggle is believing you are separate from love. It took me a long time to glimpse that.

  • We take drugs because we want to feel a sense of connection, and we seek God for the same reason. The search, no matter where it's directed - divine union or cocaine - begins with pain that comes from believing you're separate from love. The key is using spiritual practice to turn inward, toward awareness, which is what we actually are.

  • Twenty percent of meals in America are eaten in the car. What if we turn even three percent of meals into open, compassionate conversations with loved ones around topics we perceive to be hard - like death or addiction? A lot will change.

  • I started using drugs when I was thirteen. By twenty-one, I was shooting up coke and heroin. In my early twenties, I unconsciously used asana to make the "getter" inside me stronger. Sure, I got a hit of the yoga high - serenity at the end of class - but how sustainable is that if you're holding grudges against yourself or others?

  • Nothing spells shame like living what feels like a double life.
