Agu Jaachynma N.E. quotes:

  • Structure your thought pattern to what you want to achieve and who you want to become.

  • Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God`s Word so fashion your thought according to God`s Word.

  • When your thought is right, your imaginations will be colourful; you will then dream and not have nightmares!

  • Wrong thoughts pattern your life towards it for we live our thoughts.

  • Your future is dependent on your thought today, therefore think good and lovely thoughts now!

  • Choose your thoughts, carve them in your mind and fix your gaze on them always.

  • A Godly mother`s seed of faith yields a bounty of faithfulness.

  • A virtuous mother sows and sows seeds of greatness with great life in mind.

  • Live on your good thoughts and they will manifest outwardly.

  • A loving mother makes sacrifices for peace and laughter to reign in her home and family.

  • A praying mother symbolizes grace, strength and wisdom; she is an icon of productivity and ingenuity.

  • A mother has the best of all smiles; she is a wonderful friend, lover and adviser.

  • Motherhood is a blissful chain...I have a mother - my precious gift...I am a mother - the best of my kind!

  • Your thought should be creative and not destructive; it should be full of hope and faith for a more excellent future.

  • How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts!

  • Think on blessings and not curses, beauty not ugliness, health not sickness. Meditate on wealth not poverty, success not failure, grace not disgrace!

  • You create and plan your thought by seeing, reading and hearing the right things.

  • You can cream your dream by enriching your thought with clean and desirable things.

  • Learn to live from inside to outside, bring out those magnificent estates within you and live in them.

  • Your life today and tomorrow is patterned alongside your thoughts. You are therefore advised to create good and wonderful thoughts today so they will deliver a beautiful tomorrow for you.

  • Motherhood is a blissful chainI have a mother - my precious giftI am a mother - the best of my kind!

  • A wholesome mother knows the software to delete, download, upgrade and upload for the best results.

  • A wise mother is the unifying force between father and children; her seed of love produces a harvest of trust.

  • An excellent mother knows she has the beautiful life, and she is a big time programmer.

  • An industrious mother is an initiator of a good course; always charting new course for her loved ones.

  • A true mother is known for her compassion, love and passion; she is everly dedicated to her calling.

  • A mother`s job is not complete till she has taught and imbibed God`s Words, and principles into her kids.

  • Kind and lovely thought originate from God while evil and revengeful thoughts are initiated by the devil.

  • We are advised to meditate on things that are true, lovely, noble, gracious and bring good report. These should form the basis of our thought pattern.

  • The positioning of the mind is what makes the difference between the failures and the successes.

  • You are the guardian and custodian of your heart, remember this always!

  • Your future will definitely head to the same direction with your thoughts; this is why planning your thought is so important.

  • Always set your mind to think thoughts of victory even before the battle begins, this way you will experience limitless possibilities.

  • Wrong thinking will take your life the wrong way, channeling your thoughts to the right direction will cause you to soar in life.

  • You can use songs, scriptures and godly pictures to chart your thought-course in the right direction.

  • Your thought is so important because it has the ability to make or mar you. Your thought will either move you forward or set you backwards.

  • You cannot be different from your thought!

  • Our thoughts create our lifestyle, if you live healthy, it means you think healthy thoughts and if you think unhealthy thoughts, it will reflect in your health and lifestyle too.
