Atkins Quotes in Guyver: Dark Hero (1994)


Atkins Quotes:

  • Sean Barker: I'm just sorry I didn't get here sooner.

    Cori: Thank God you didn't! You could have been killed! What you think you were going to do?

    Atkins: I was wondering that myself...

  • Guyver: [catches gun in air and throws it to Atkins] Protect her!

    [points at Cori]

    Atkins: [catches gun that The Guyver threw and looks scared at the Zoanoid in front of him] But who the hell's gonna protect me?

  • Pink: It sure doesn't look like much.

    Atkins: One of these got fifteen times the punch as the one we dropped on Hiroshima.

    Pink: What's a Hiroshima?

  • Atkins: There's a young lady to see you, sir, I think it's rather urgent.

    Tommy Randall: Oh, that's bad.

    Atkins: She's very beautiful, sir.

    Tommy Randall: Oh? That's not so bad.

    Atkins: She has a child with her, sir.

    Tommy Randall: Oh, that is bad.

    Atkins: She also has the captain with her, and he insists upon seeing you, sir.

    Tommy Randall: Oh, that's very bad!

    Atkins: Here you are, sir?

    Tommy Randall: What's that?

    Atkins: Your checkbook, sir.

    Tommy Randall: I don't know what your game is, young lady, but it won't work! I've never seen you before in my life, and besides I have witnesses to account for my whereabouts for the past twenty-seven years!

    Susan Parker: Mr. Randall!

    Barbara Stewart aka Ching-Ching: Uncle Tommy!

    Tommy Randall: Ching-Ching!

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