Young Max Quotes in Elysium (2013)


Young Max Quotes:

  • Max: Frey.

    Frey: Max? Max, where are you?

    Max: I'm gonna have to break my promise. I can't make it back up there. You remember what I said when we were kids?

    Frey: Yes.

    Young Max: [Flash back] I'll take us there one day.

    Young Frey: Really?

    Young Max: Yeah, I promise.

    Max: You wouldn't believe what I'm looking at now. Tell Matilda I really liked her story. And I... I figured out why the hippo did it.

    [presses the key]

  • Uncle Henry Skinner: Max, have I told you why I enjoy making wine so much?

    Young Max: You don't make the wine, Uncle Henry - that guy Duflot does.

    Uncle Henry Skinner: [Reproachfully] In France it's always the landowner who makes the wine, even though he does nothing more than supervise with binoculars from the comfort of his study. No, I enjoy making wine, because this sublime nectar is quite simply incapable of lying. Picked too early, picked too late, it matters not - the wine will always whisper into your mouth with complete, unabashed honesty every time you take a sip.

  • Uncle Henry Skinner: [Bringing out two bottles of wine] I thought, as it's your last night here, it only appropriate that we open something extra special.

    Young Max: [Pointing to one of the bottles] Bandol.

    Uncle Henry Skinner: Excellent choice. Tempier Bandol, 1969, the kind of wine that'll pickle even the toughest of men. I once saw a Castilian prizefighter collapse in a heap after drinking just a single glass. Perhaps my knee landing squarely in his testicles may have been partly to blame... What was I talking about before?

    Young Max: You said the importance of a good blue suit can never be overstated.

    Uncle Henry Skinner: Quite right. A blue suit is the most versatile of accoutrements. More important than the suit itself, is the man who fits it for you. Once you find a good tailor, you must never give his name away - not even under the threat of bodily harm.

  • Officer 'Fartface' Whitey: Okay, boys, we're even...

    Young Noodles: The hell we are!

    Young Max: You'll be collecting your pension before we're even!

  • Young Max: From here on, we establish the shared funds of the gang. They belong to all of us together, and to none of us alone. And we solemnly swear to put in 50 per cent of everything we make. Agreed?

    Young NoodlesYoung CockeyeYoung PatsyDominic: Agreed.

    Dominic: I wanna take another peek!

  • Bugsy: [Bugsy and his gang have beaten Noodles and Max] You don't work for me, you don't work for no-one!

    Young Max: I don't like bosses.

    Bugsy: You'd be better off you stayed in the Bronx.

    Young Max: Woulda been better for *you*, too!

    [Bugsy spits on him, and he and his gang walk off]

    Young Max: I'm gonna kill him one of these days...

    Young Noodles: Yeah? Meanwhile, it looks like he killed US!

  • [Max interrupts Noodles passionately kissing Deborah]

    Young Noodles: Were you in there?

    Young Max: You're one lousy kisser. I seen you go in there after that ball-buster.

  • [a romantic moment between Noodles and Deborah is interrupted]

    Young Deborah: Somebody's there!

    Young Noodles: There ain't nobody. It's Max.

    Young Deborah: So that's who it was...

    Young Max: Noodles!

    Young Deborah: [smiling maliciously] Go on, run. Your mother's calling you.

    Young Max: Noodles!

    Young Noodles: Just gonna go see what he wants...


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