Woman with Cherries Hat Quotes in Leap of Faith (1992)


Woman with Cherries Hat Quotes:

  • Jonas: [Addressing the congregation as the choir sings] Oh, people, the Lord is speaking to me right now.

    [to Jane via a wireless radio transmitter]

    Jonas: It better be good.

    Jane: Now just relax. Cherry hat, Section 4, Row F.

    Jonas: [points to the elderly man] You sir, in the brown jacket, I feel a burden you're carrying.

    Brown Jacket: Who-who, me?

    Jonas: Yes, sir. Now stand up and tell me if I'm hearing the Lord right. You're having a problem with your neighbor, am I right?

    Brown Jacket: I sure am.

    Jonas: Building a fence. Gonna harm your kids, right?

    Brown Jacket: Yes, sir.

    Jonas: Well, the Lord tells me...

    Jane: [on the bus watching the events on the TV monitors; impressed] Amazing!

    Jonas: [continues] ... is to make 'im your friend. You talk to him, and serve him up your best fried chicken...

    [to his wife with the cherry hat]

    Jonas: because yours is the best in the county, ain't it ma'am?

    Woman with Cherries Hat: [excited] You know it is!

    Jonas: Whoa boy, I'd love to get me some of that! Now come on up and thank the Lord for his saving!

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Characters on Leap of Faith (1992)