Vince Barnes Quotes in Who's Harry Crumb? (1989)


Vince Barnes Quotes:

  • Helen Downing: I hate being poor.

    Vince Barnes: Agh... we've still got each other babe. - singing - They say our love won't pay the rent; before its earned our money's all been spent. I got you babe... woah, hey, now... I got you babe.

  • [With the help of Nikki Downing driving the passenger stairs truck in front of the airplane bound for Buenos Aries, Harry crashes through the door and enter the aircraft]

    Elderly Woman: Who is that?

    Harry Crumb: Crumb, Harry Crumb.

    [walks toward Helen and Vince]

    Harry Crumb: And I hereby charge these two miscreants with the kidnapping of one Jennifer Downing.

    Vince Barnes: [pulls out a gun on Harry] You must be crazy, Crumb.

    Harry Crumb: Crazy? Crazy like a fox. I must warn you, Vince Barnes, I have a black belt in Aikido...

    [Harry uses karate moves and kiai to intimidate Vince, who is hesitant to shoot him]

    Helen Downing: [to Vince] For chrissake, just shoot him!

    [Harry kicks off his first boot at a distracted Vince, knocking his gun away, then the second one which knocks him out cold. Helen, defeated, could only watch]

    Harry Crumb: ...and the boots to match.

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