Uncle Watson Quotes in Crimes of the Heart (1986)


Uncle Watson Quotes:

  • Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: So how are things with you Babe?

    Chick Boyle: Well, things are dismal if you want my opinion. She's refusing to cooperate with her lawyer, that nice looking young Lloyd boy, and she won't tell any of us why she's committed this heinous crime.

    Rebeca 'Babe': Oh look! Lennie brought my saxophone from home and my suitcase. Thank you.

    Lennora Josephine 'Lenny' Magrath: You're welcome.

    Rebeca 'Babe': Meg, look at my saxophone. Went to Jackson and bought it used. It's so heavy.

    Chick Boyle: Now listen Rebecca, that lawyer wants some concrete answers. No more stubborness or they're gonna put you in jail and throw away the key. Isn't that right daddy? Won't they just put her in jail and throw away the key?

    Uncle Watson: Well honey, umm, I don't know about that.

    Chick Boyle: Well they will, and they'll leave you there to rot!

  • Chick Boyle: So, cousin Margaret, how's your singing career goin'? We've been looking to see your picture in all those movie magazines.

    [Meg takes out a cigarette and lights it]

    Chick Boyle: Oh, you shouldn't smoke. It causes cancer of the lungs. Each one of those little cigarettes is a stick of death.

    Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: That's what I like about it Chick, taking a drag off death.

    [Meg takes a drag off of the cigarette]

    Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: What power! What exhilaration! Here, you want a drag?

    [Meg offers Chick the cigarette]

    Lennora Josephine 'Lenny' Magrath: Did ya'll hear that Zachery's liver's been saved? His sister told me his liver's been saved. I think that's just the best news.

    Uncle Watson: Yes, that's fine news. That's mighty fine news. Did you hear all that news about the liver, little chicken?

    Chick Boyle: I heard it.

    Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: Cluck.

    Chick Boyle: And don't call me chicken!

    Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

    Chick Boyle: I have told you a hundred times if I've told you once, do not call me chicken! I'm not twelve years old anymore!

    Margaret 'Meg' Magrath: Cluck cluck, cluck cluck cluck.

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Characters on Crimes of the Heart (1986)