Turner Quotes in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)


Turner Quotes:

  • Samantha: When things get hairy, I just pick out the alpha guy.

    Turner: And what? He's supposed to protect you?

    Samantha: No, I give him shit. Strong guys don't hurt you. The weak guys do that. Strong guys always have little sisters. Or they want one. I don't know why, that's just how it is.

  • Gen. Harkness: Do you know who I am, Major?

    Turner: Yes, General. I do. You're the man responsible for the deaths of two of my men. Now, open up those crates before I grab you by your hair plugs and bitch slap that smug look off of your face.

  • Turner: Some folks still wonder why you left.

    Jack Reacher: Let's just say I woke up one morning and the uniform didn't fit.

  • Turner: [while being broken out of jail by Reacher] I left explicit orders for you to stay away.

    Jack Reacher: Orders? You "ordered" me?

    Turner: Yes. I knew you'd do something like this.

    Jack Reacher: Don't make me regret it.

  • Espin: [on radio] All units. Suspects travelling. MP vehicle L67. Primary is Jack Reacher. White. Male. 40s. Considered armed and dangerous. Secondary is Major Susan Turner. Female. Wearing military fatigues. White. Age 34.

    Jack Reacher: [in vehicle to Turner] Really?

    Turner: Shut up.

  • Turner: You know, I admit to being a little jealous when we talk. Go where you want. Eat when you want. Nobody telling you what to do or how to do it. It's definitely not the Army way.

    Jack Reacher: Exactly.

  • Samantha: I don't understand. You said you're not a cop.

    Jack Reacher: I'm not.

    Samantha: What's military police?

    Turner: It's different.

    Samantha: But... you stole this car.

    Turner: It's complicated.

  • Turner: Bobby Fischer would be proud of that move.

    [just before being checkmated]

  • Turner: Legs or no legs, I've never seen such a mobile fireball.

  • [242 Squadron have just found out Bader has tin legs]

    Turner: Great, so now we carry a passenger in the driving seat!

  • Turner: Paris, eh? You're stepping out, Holland. Wonderful, isn't it, what a little extra money will do?

    Henry Holland: Yes, it's going to make a big difference to me.

  • [on the day before Holland and his associates are to carry out the robbery, he has a chat with his boss Turner, who thinks that the subject is over Holland's forthcoming promotion]

    Turner: And, erm, here's the order for tomorrow's consignment. Somewhat larger that I expected: 212 bars.

    Henry Holland: That won't worry me, sir.

    Turner: Dependable to the last. I'm going to miss you, Holland.

    Henry Holland: You're very kind, sir. I shall always have the happiest memories of the dear old bullion office.

    Turner: Has Mr. Applecrumby spoken to you about your holiday?

    Henry Holland: Yes, sir. I'm going to Paris.

    Turner: Paris, hey? You're stepping out, Holland. Wonderful isn't it, what a little extra money will do?

    Henry Holland: Yes, it's going to make a big difference to me.

  • [just as he is planning the robbery, Holland is told that he is being promoted to another department]

    Henry Holland: I'm too old to change my views now, sir.

    Turner: Nonsense. You're never too old to better oneself. Think of what you can do with an extra 15 shillings a week.

    Henry Holland: But sir, I like the bullion office. It holds all I ever wished for.

    Turner: The trouble with you, Holland, if I may speak frankly, is that you do not have enough ambition. When a good opportunity comes along grab it with both hands. May not occur again.

    Henry Holland: Very good, sir. I'll follow your advice.

    [Holland leaves in order to put his plans for the robbery into motion]

  • Turner: The trouble with you, Holland, is that you haven't enough ambition.

  • Turner: The only performance that makes it, that makes it all the way, is the one that achieves madness. Am I right? Eh?

  • [Chas flicks his cigarette ash onto a rug]

    Turner: That rug's over two hundred years old.

    Chas: Yeah, it looks it.

  • Turner: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

  • Turner: [reading from a book] "The old man was called, in the language of Persia, Hassani Saba, and his people were called the Hashishi. He had caused a valley between two mountains to be enclosed, and turned into a garden, so large and beautiful his people believed it was Paradise. And there was a fortress at the entrance, strong enough to resist all the world. Now the old man caused those of his young men whom he had chosen to be his Hashishi, his assassins, to be given a potion which cast them into a deep sleep, and to be carried into the garden, so that when they awoke, they believed they were in Paradise. And there were damsels and young girls there, who dallied with them to their hearts' content, so that they had what young men desire. Thus it was that when the old man decided to send one of his assassins upon a mission, such as to have a prince slain, he would send for one of these youths and say, 'Go thou and kill, and when thou returnest, my angels will bear thee into Paradise; and should'st thou die, nevertheless, I will send my angels to carry thee back into Paradise.'"


    Turner: They enjoyed their work...

  • Pherber: We've got to go much further... out.

    Turner: No. We've got to go further back - and faster.

  • Al Shaw: He ain't gonna give no one no trouble.

    Turner: Don't *ever* underestimate Will Graham. He's a fierce man who'll go the distance.

  • Turner: You did hear what the man said...

    Tennessee: If I heard him, I might have to kill him.

  • [Ward and his gang have captured June Foster and Red Kelly]

    Barton Ward: Tie 'em up. Now the Foster stage line is going to make it's last run - over a cliff.

    Turner: What shall we do with these two?

    Barton Ward: Put 'em inside!

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Characters on Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)