Value of knowledge quotes:

  • The worth and value of knowledge is in proportion to the worth and value of its object. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • We know the value of a blessing when we don't have it. But we only know the value of knowledge when we have enough of it. -- Raheel Farooq
  • Mind you, there is no value in learning. You are all mistaken in learning. The only value of knowledge is in the strengthening, the disciplining, of the mind. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • An epistemic methodology that sees the pursuit of knowledge as entirely congruent with the search for power is a great deal more cunning than wise. It can needlessly undermine the value of knowledge in satisfying curiosity and interest; it significantly weakens one of the profound characteristics of human beings. -- Amartya Sen
  • Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. -- Anton Chekhov
  • The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values. -- William Ralph Inge
  • The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values. -- William Ralph Inge
  • When we value correct principles, we have truth - a knowledge of things as they are. -- Stephen Covey
  • Wisdom is a kind of knowledge. It is knowledge of the nature, career, and consequences of human values. -- Sidney Hook
  • The big value of the founder running the company is really two things: the knowledge and the commitment. -- Ben Horowitz
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  • Universities exist to transmit knowledge and understanding of ideas and values to students not to provide entertainment for spectators or employment for athletes. -- Milton Friedman
  • Hackerspaces are the digital-age equivalent of English Enlightenment coffee houses. They are places open to all, indifferent to social status, and where ideas and knowledge hold primary value. -- Heather Brooke
  • A great many things which in times of lesser knowledge we imagined to be superstitious or useless, prove today on examination to have been of immense value to mankind. -- Lafcadio Hearn
  • Everything has been said yet few have taken advantage of it. Since all our knowledge is essentially banal, it can only be of value to minds that are not. -- Raoul Vaneigem
  • Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and, more that all, must be prayed for. -- Thomas Arnold
  • One of the great problems of philosophy is the relationship between the realm of knowledge and the realm of values. Knowledge is what is; values are what ought to be. -- Jacques Monod
  • The Founders believed liberty came directly from God. With their knowledge of Scripture, they knew each child was made in the image of God. That is why everyone had dignity, value and worth. -- Gary Bauer
  • For me, human rights simply endorse a view of life and a set of moral values that are perfectly clear to an eight-year-old child. A child knows what is fair and isn't fair, and justice derives from that knowledge. -- Tom Stoppard
  • I was brought up in a family which valued natural history. Both my parents knew the names of all the British wildflowers, so as we went walking the country, I was constantly being exposed to a natural history sort of knowledge. -- Richard Dawkins
  • While Congress did not, to my knowledge, calculate aggregate dollar values for the nationwide effects of racial discrimination in 1964, in 1994 it did rely on evidence of the harms caused by domestic violence and sexual assault, citing annual costs of $3 billion in 1990 and $5 to $10 billion in 1993. -- David Souter
  • As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • I'm not saying that atheists can't act morally or have moral knowledge. But when I ascribe virtue to an atheist, it's as a theist who sees the atheist as conforming to objective moral values. The atheist, by contrast, has no such basis for morality. And yet all moral judgments require a basis for morality, some standard of right and wrong. -- William A. Dembski
  • Knowledge is of more value than gold -- Solomon
  • The only value of wasted time is knowledge. -- Monica Drake
  • Left untended, knowledge and skill, like all assets, depreciate in value surprisingly quickly. -- David Maister
  • Creativity is the crucial variable in the process of turning knowledge into value -- John Kao
  • A knowledge of truth is of little value unless lived in full measure. -- Richard G. Scott
  • Knowledge of any value can't be given. It must be sought and earned -- Rick Riordan
  • Is then thy knowledge of no value, unless another know that thou possessest that knowledge? -- Aulus Persius Flaccus
  • If we want our children to value education, then we must show our appreciation for knowledge. -- Brad Sherman
  • Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden
  • Knowledge is a public good and increases in value as the number of people possessing it increases. -- John Wilbanks
  • Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application toward some worthy end. -- Napoleon Hill
  • There is, it seems to us, At best, only a limited value In the knowledge derived from experience. -- T. S. Eliot
  • There is only one kind of wisdom that has any social value, and that is the knowledge of one's own limitations. -- Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Accurate knowledge is the basis of correct opinions; the want of it makes the opinions of most people of little value. -- Charles Simmons
  • Theory without practice is of little value, whereas practice is the proof of theory.Theory is the knowledge, practice the ability. -- Alois Podhajsky
  • We miss extra bits of knowledge that can add value to our lives. We sort of lack empathy because we're multitasking all the time. -- Kim Stolz
  • I am someone who values knowledge, actual knowledge. I also value stories and fiction a whole lot, and that's where the fake knowledge comes in. -- John Hodgman
  • There is more value in a little study of humility and in a single act of it than in all the knowledge in the world. -- Teresa of Avila
  • Knowledge about the process being modeled starts fairly low, then increases as understanding is obtained and tapers off to a high value at the end. -- Harold Chestnut
  • Ignorance is death, knowledge is life. Life is of very little value, if it is a life in the dark, groping through ignorance and misery. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • When children attend schools that place a greater value on discipline and security than on knowledge and intellectual development, they are attending prep schools for prison. -- Angela Davis
  • The height of ability consists in a thorough knowledge of the real value of things, and of the genius of the age in which we live. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Knowledge rooted in experience shapes what we value and as a consequence how we know what we know as well as how we use what we know. -- bell hooks
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  • If your knowledge teaches you not the value of things, and frees you not from the bondage to matter, you shall never come near the throne of Truth. -- Khalil Gibran
  • Knowledge and know-how are the real sources of value and riches. You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself. -- Brian Tracy
  • Another thing he told his customers was that one of the great accounting unknowns of the modern age was how to value knowledge. It was an exciting field. -- Jane Smiley
  • You are an uncut gemstone of priceless value. Cut and polish your potential with knowledge, skills and service and you will be in great demand throughout your life. -- Denis Waitley
  • I do not care for socially recognizable success. I only value that success which I can feel within me, which satisfies me, and which basically stems from self-knowledge. -- Anwar Sadat
  • All knowledge attains its ethical value and its human significance only by the human sense with which it is employed. Only a good man can be a great physician. -- Hermann Nothnagel
  • People value that part of knowledge which is known. They do not know how to avail themselves of the Unknown in order to reach knowledge. Is this not misguided? -- Zhuangzi
  • Man's value before God is estimated by the dispositions of his heart, its uprightness, its good will, its charity, and not by keenness of intellect or extent of knowledge. -- Anne Catherine Emmerich