Trust and vulnerability quotes:

  • If you watch the news, you see politicians use human vulnerabilities to get in and earn people's trust. -- Morena Baccarin
  • The intention and outcome of vulnerability is trust, intimacy and connection. The outcome of oversharing is distrust, disconnection - and usually a little judgment. -- Brene Brown
  • It takes years for me to trust; I know that about myself. A lot of it is because I am so private, and so reluctant to make myself vulnerable. -- Michelle Pfeiffer
  • I love when you get to work with people you know because there's so much more trust, and you're much more willing to be vulnerable in a scene with someone you trust. -- Malin Akerman
  • With a few exceptions, birds are not to be trusted; it is not normal to have such soft, vulnerable bodies bookended with slashing beaks and razor-sharp claws. It is as unnatural as an armed marshmallow. -- Mallory Ortberg
  • Live-tweeting your bikini wax is not vulnerability. Nor is posting a blow-by-blow of your divorce . That's an attempt to hot-wire connection. But you can't cheat real connection. It's built up slowly. It's about trust and time. -- Brene Brown
  • While eschewing emotion - and its companion, vulnerability - Obama should be careful not to sacrifice empathy, the 'I feel your pain' connection that sustained Clinton. This connection is the shorthand people use to measure their leaders' intentions. If people believe you're on their side, they will trust your decisions. -- Dee Dee Myers
  • I spent a lot of years trying to outrun or outsmart vulnerability by making things certain and definite, black and white, good and bad. My inability to lean into the discomfort of vulnerability limited the fullness of those important experiences that are wrought with uncertainty: Love, belonging, trust, joy, and creativity to name a few. -- Brene Brown
  • The tendency to trust easily anyone gives way to a certain vulnerability. -- Angelica Hopes
  • On a team, trust is all about vulnerability, which is difficult for most people. -- Patrick Lencioni
  • Trust is a product of vulnerability that grows over time and requires work, attention, and full engagement. -- Brené Brown
  • Successful adult relationships, whether between lovers or friends, require a significant degree of vulnerability, trust, and openness- -- Susan Forward
  • All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal. -- Robert C. Solomon
  • The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. And that has a lot to do with trust. -- Howard Schultz