Stained glass window quotes:

  • We've got stained glass windows in our house; it's those damned pigeons. -- Chic Murray
  • If the body is a temple, then tattoos are its stained glass windows. -- Sylvia Plath
  • God Ain't no stained glass window, cause he never keeps his window closed. -- Johnny Cash
  • For me a stained glass window is a transparent partition between my heart and the heart of the world. -- Marc Chagall
  • You think religion is what's inside a little building filled with pretty lights from stained glass windows. But it's not. It's wings! Wings! -- Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  • A Hubble Space Telescope photograph of the universe evokes far more awe for creation than light streaming through a stained glass window in a cathedral. -- Michael Shermer
  • Some days seem to fit together like a stained glass window. A hundred little pieces of different color and mood that, when combined, create a complete picture. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • We must shine with hope, stained glass windows that shape light into icons, glow like lanterns borne before a procession. Who can bear hope back into the world but us... -- Marge Piercy
  • I don't know how your theology works, but if Jesus has a choice between stained glass windows and feeding starving kids in Haiti, I have a feeling he'd choose the starving kids in Haiti. -- Tony Campolo
  • The easiest thing to do is throw a rock. It's a lot harder to create a stained glass window. I used to get upset at the people who threw rocks but now I'd rather spend my time building the stained glass windows. -- Jon Foreman
  • I didn't want to go to college - I was bored by junior high. So I was in church one day, staring at the stained glass windows and thinking about things, when suddenly I decided that if I could start selling cartoons to magazines, they'd let me quit high school. -- Brad Holland
  • Art used to be made in the name of faith. We made cathedrals, we made stained-glass windows, we made murals. -- Julia Cameron
  • The Church cannot be content to live in its stained-glass house and throw stones through the picture window of modern culture. -- Robert McAfee Brown
  • People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. -- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • I was raised in an observant Jewish household, so for me, Hebrew prayers - the sounds, the sunlight streaming in from the stained-glass windows of a synagogue - bring my father back to me as surely as if he were sitting next to me, my head pressed against his shoulder. -- Dani Shapiro
  • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. -- Anne Lamott
  • It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window. -- Raymond Chandler
  • Storytelling has driven faith and religious practice, keeping them alive for millennia. Just as every hymn, icon, and stained-glass window in a church links to a story, brands have the potential to build holistic identities. -- Martin Lindstrom