No ambition quotes:

  • I have no ambitions to be a pop star. -- Iwan Rheon
  • I can't sing. Definitely no ambition in that area. -- Corin Nemec
  • I had no ambition to become an actor at all. -- Danny Huston
  • I'm not in the Shakespeare stakes. I have no ambition. -- Ian Fleming
  • What likelihood is there of corrupting a man who has no ambition? -- Samuel Richardson
  • I admire Elliott Carter endlessly. But I have no ambitions to emulate him. -- Andre Previn
  • I have no ambition to govern men; it is a painful and thankless office. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • It's so funny, actors usually have a directing ambition. I've got no ambition for directing. -- Majandra Delfino
  • I'm living in the present. I have no ambition. It's true. But I want to live. -- Gerard Depardieu
  • I have the desire to work as an actress, but I have no ambition to be a star. -- Ally Sheedy
  • I had no ambition to make a fortune. Mere money-making has never been my goal, I had an ambition to build. -- John D. Rockefeller
  • Who's more likely to succeed - someone with high skill and no ambition, or no skill and high ambition? If you're an entrepreneur, you can hire as many skilled people for your business as you want. -- Max McKeown
  • The one governmental agency that has no ambition. -- William O. Douglas
  • I have no ambition to shine beyond my abilities. -- Washington Allston
  • What likelihood is there of corrupting a man who has no ambition. -- Samuel Richardson
  • I don't want to go to Portsmouth or any other club that has no ambitions. -- Benni McCarthy
  • Frog in the mud is happier than the man, because it has no ambition to reach the stars! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • The dog has no ambition, no self-interest, no desire for vengeance, no fear other than that of displeasing. -- Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
  • I have no ambitions beyond being comfortable in what I do for a living - and earning a living. -- Craig Ferguson
  • I have no ambition to surprise my reader. Castles with unknown passages are not compatible with my homely muse. -- Anthony Trollope
  • I on the other side Us'd no ambition to commend my deeds; The deeds themselves, though mute, spoke loud the doer. -- John Milton
  • I had no ambition to make a fortune. Mere money-making has never been my goal, I had an ambition to build. -- John D. Rockefeller
  • I had no ambition to be a writer because the books I read were too good, my standards were too high. -- Haruki Murakami
  • I have no ambitions to be a cabinet minister, or prime minister. I wouldn't wish being prime minister on my worst enemy. -- Louise Mensch
  • If a person holds no ambitions in this world, he suffers unknowingly. If a person holds ambitions, he suffers knowingly, but very slowly. -- Alan Lightman
  • The architecture profession has lost a lot of its integrity, especially in the USA. The general architect here has no scruples, no ambitions. -- Helmut Jahn
  • This dope money here is Lil Treys scholarship Cause aint no to tuition for havin no ambition And aint no loans for sittin your ass at home -- Kanye West
  • The idea of putting out an album is quite exciting because it's sharing your creativity with people. There's no ambition to be famous. I couldn't care less about that. -- Bryan Adams
  • I was lucky to learn early in life that you need money for food and shelter, but there's no ambition in having money in the bank for the sake of it! -- Helen McCrory
  • To the lazy man the world appears bereft of all blessings; if poor, he has no friends; if rich, he has no ambition; he aims at nothing, and generally hits his mark. -- James Ellis
  • Let no pleasure tempt thee, no profit allure thee, no ambition corrupt thee, to do anything which thou knowest to be evil; so shalt thou always live jollily; for a good conscience is a continual Christmas. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • ...Your trouble, William, is that you have no ambition. You don't see that there is in life only ever one goal.' 'And what is that?' More', George said simply. 'Just more of anything. More of everything. -- Philippa Gregory
  • I am there to entertain. I call my work high escape fiction; it's high, it's good - but it's escape, and I have no delusions about that. I have no ambition to be a serious writer, whatever that means. -- Alan Furst
  • America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman. -- George W. Bush
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  • A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • I have no political ambitions for myself or my children. -- Joseph P. Kennedy
  • My dream is to make Katihar a model district. I have no personal ambition. -- Tariq Anwar
  • Younger women have no problem in reconciling beauty with ambitions as a professional woman. -- Camille Paglia
  • I have no political ambitions whatsoever. My ambitions are all about what XL can become. -- Mike McGavick
  • I would love to continue working on animated films. Yeah, those are my ambitions. No doubt. -- Carlos Ponce
  • I see my face in the mirror, and I said, 'No, my ambition is not to be an actor.' -- Dino De Laurentiis
  • A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. -- Pearl Bailey
  • Ambition has no rest. -- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
  • Ambition is no cure for love! -- Walter Scott
  • Without ambition, no goal can be met. -- Kya Aliana
  • But a reader's ambition knows no bounds. -- Alberto Manguel
  • Ambition without contribution is of no significance. -- Kevin Kline
  • Money as the sole ambition has no value. -- Habeeb Akande
  • Ambition is like hunger; it obeys no law but its appetite -- Josh Billings
  • Without cunning, there is no innovation. Without ambition, there is no accomplishment. -- J. K. Rowling
  • Ambition is a commendable attribute, without which no man succeeds. Only inconsiderate ambition imperils. -- Warren G. Harding
  • Ambition thinks no face so beautiful as that which looks from under a crown. -- Philip Sidney
  • A man without ambition is worse than dough that has no yeast in it to raise it. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • I can be intolerably jealous and I think that's what's driven me. My ambition knows no end. -- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
  • Without ambition no conquests are made, and no business created. Ambition is the root of all achievement. -- James A. Champy
  • There can be no fairer ambition than to excel in talk; to be affable, gay, ready, clear, and welcome. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • I see my face in the mirror, and I said, No, my ambition is not to be an actor. -- Dino De Laurentiis
  • Ambition is the great fire, it's the liberator of the unconscious person. No goals, no growth; no clarity, no change. -- Brendon Burchard
  • What we take for high-mindedness is very often no other than ambition well disguised, that scorns means interests, only to pursuegreater. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Ambition, like love, can abide no lingering; and ever urgeth on his own successes, hating nothing but what may stop them. -- Philip Sidney
  • Some women make it look so easy, the way they cast ambition off like an expensive coat that no longer fits. -- Jenny Offill
  • There is one weakness in people for which there is no remedy. It is the universal weakness of LACK OF AMBITION! -- Napoleon Hill
  • I have no desire to play King Lear or Hamlet. I never had a grand ambition. I just followed my nose. -- Liam Neeson
  • I have no fear, I have only ambition, and I want mine, And I will do anything to protect and feed my family. -- Tupac Shakur
  • What seems to be generosity is often no more than disguised ambition, which overlooks a small interest in order to secure a great one. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • I wish I had a little more ambition. But then what would I do? Turn down more roles with more vehemence? Me no likey worky. -- Ellen Barkin
  • In battling against untouchability, and in dedicating myself to that battle, I have no less an ambition than to see a full regeneration of humanity. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • A man shrinks or expands into the degree and nature of his ambition. Ambition needs to be cultivated and refined, and yet has no teachers. -- Neel Burton
  • Who has courage to say no again and again to desires, to despise the objects of ambition, who is a whole in himself, smoothed and rounded. -- Horace
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  • If intellectual curiosity, professional pride, and ambition are the dominant incentives to research, then assuredly no one has a fairer chance of gratifying them than a mathematician. -- G. H. Hardy
  • I've never looked ahead very much in my life. I've never had any grand plan from the outset. I had no burning ambition to do what I do. -- Tracey Ullman
  • If love and ambition should be in equal balance, and come to jostle with equal force, I make no doubt but that the last would win the prize. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • I've never looked ahead very much in my life. I've never had any grand plan from the outset. I had no burning ambition to do what I do -- Tracey Ullman
  • There is a native baseness in the ambition which seeks beyond its desert, that never shows more conspicuously than when, no matter how, it temporarily gains its object. -- William Gilmore Simms
  • No matter what face he wears, Satan has one overmastering ambition, one burning desire-to dethrone the Almighty and to place himself upon the highest throne of the universe. -- Adrian Rogers
  • To all our means of culture is added the powerful incentive to personal ambition, no post of honor is so high but the poorest may hope to reach it. -- James A. Garfield