Human passion quotes:

  • Countless as the sands of the sea are human passions. -- Nikolai Gogol
  • I believe that music is connected by human passions and curiosities rather than by marketing strategies. -- Elvis Costello
  • All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people. -- Adolf Hitler
  • That I have no right to be jealous is irrelevant. It is a human passion: the sick, white underbelly of love. -- Anita Shreve
  • Cathedrals are an unassailable witness to human passion. Using what demented calculation could an animal build such places? I think we know. An animal with a gorgeous genius for hope. -- Lionel Tiger
  • We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people... it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other... -- John Quincy Adams
  • Forged in the fires of human passion, choking on the fumes of human rage, with these out hells and our heavens, so few inches apart, we must be awfully small, and not as strong as we think we are. -- Rich Mullins
  • Only the highest souls realize and accept that he who sins is far more to be pitied, aye, and loved, if love is what the highest human passion should be, than is the one against whom the sinner has sinned. -- Louise Jordan Miln
  • In endowing us with memory, nature has revealed to us a truth utterly unimaginable to the unreflective creation, the truth of immortality....The most ideal human passion is love, which is also the most absolute and animal and one of the most ephemeral. -- George Santayana
  • It does not, surely, require such torrents of blood to satisfy any reasonable man that nothing can be a more impious presumption than for either side to think themselves entitled to count the Almighty as an ally in such a pitiful display of human passion. -- James L. Petigru
  • It is impossible to anticipate all of the misdeeds engendered by the universal conflict of human passions. They multiply at a compound rate with the growth in population and the interlacing of particular interests that cannot be directed with geometrical precision towards the public utility. -- Cesare Beccaria
  • Did a Magdalene, a Paul, a Constantine, an Augustine become mountains of ice after their conversion? Quite the contrary. We should never have had these prodigies of conversion and marvelous holiness if they had not changed the flames of human passion into volcanoes of immense love of God. -- Frances Xavier Cabrini
  • Innovation comes out of great human ingenuity and very personal passions. -- Megan Smith
  • The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists. -- H. Allen Smith
  • There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy. -- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  • Almost any job can make us better human beings if we do it with passion. -- Ricardo Salinas Pliego
  • All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire. -- Aristotle
  • Poetry is emotion, passion, love, grief - everything that is human. It is not for zombies by zombies. -- F. Sionil Jose
  • Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • In the human heart new passions are forever being born; the overthrow of one almost always means the rise of another. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Ideas devour the ages as men are devoured by their passions. When man is cured, human nature will cure itself perhaps. -- Honore de Balzac
  • One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God. -- Anna Julia Cooper
  • Faith is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further. -- Soren Kierkegaard
  • Left to our own devices and passions, we human beings have a hard time seeing beyond what is immediately in front of us. -- Gene Robinson
  • This was Shakespeare's form; who walked in every path of human life, felt every passion; and to all mankind doth now, will ever, that experience yield which his own genius only could acquire. -- Mark Akenside
  • Creativity is not merely the innocent spontaneity of our youth and childhood; it must also be married to the passion of the adult human being, which is a passion to live beyond one's death. -- Rollo May
  • With years of experience doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of each story, I am looking forward to covering the stories in the human dimension and impart the passion and visceral reactions the audience seeks. -- Geraldo Rivera
  • When we, through our educational culture, through the media, through the entertainment culture, give our children the impression that human beings cannot control their passions, we are telling them, in effect, that human beings cannot be trusted with freedom. -- Alan Keyes
  • The mother's battle for her child with sickness, with poverty, with war, with all the forces of exploitation and callousness that cheapen human life needs to become a common human battle, waged in love and in the passion for survival. -- Adrienne Rich
  • The passion to explore is at the heart of being human. -- Carl Sagan
  • Celebrations infuse life with passion and purpose. They summon the human spirit. -- Terrence E. Deal
  • I have only one passion, the love of liberty and human dignity. -- Alexis de Tocqueville
  • The passion of rescue reveals the highest dynamic of the human soul. -- Kurt Hahn
  • Next to love, Sympathy is the divinest passion of the human heart. -- Edmund Burke
  • There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast. -- Charles Dickens
  • There's sure no passion in the human soul, But finds its food in music. -- George Lillo
  • The Poet binds together by passion and knowledge the vast empire of human society. -- William Wordsworth
  • power, after it has ceased from troubling, is the dominant passion in human nature. -- Gertrude Atherton
  • There is no such passion in human nature, as the passion for gravy among commercial gentlemen. -- Charles Dickens
  • To err on the side of passion is human and right and the only way I'll live, -- Pat Tillman
  • Rose was so full of life and passion that sometimes she seemed more human than I was. -- Richelle Mead
  • As long as that spark of passion is missing there is no human significance in the performance. -- Henry Miller
  • There is no passion of the human heart that promises so much and pays so little as revenge. -- Josh Billings
  • All human actions have one or more of these seven causes chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, desire -- Aristotle
  • But some day sooner or later our passion would have cooled - inevitably - it's the way with everything human. -- Gustave Flaubert
  • I suppose that, after the passion of love, water rights have caused more trouble than anything else to the human species. -- Alice Steinbach
  • It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that there is no passion so deeply rooted in human nature as that of pride. -- Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
  • My work is inspired by my passion for human rights issues and the environment, and by my love of family, music and nature. -- Susan Dorothea White
  • In all human affairs, the wisest course is to be passionate about the role of reason and reasonable about the role of passion. -- Mardy Grothe
  • Like all other music, it breathed passion and pathos, and emotions high or tender, in a tongue native to the human heart, wherever educated. -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its highest. Live in fragments no longer -- E. M. Forster
  • What is Truth? Truth is the attribute of when the human heart marries the love of God, and the result is passion for your spiritual path. -- Lee Carroll
  • To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of earning one's bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for passion. -- Fred Brooks
  • Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style. -- Maya Angelou
  • A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility. -- Mary Shelley
  • A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility. -- Mary Shelley
  • Expression is not a matter of passion mirrored on the human face or revealed by a violent gesture. When I paint a picture, its every detail is expressive. -- Henri Matisse
  • Faith is a marvel, and yet no human being is excluded from it; for that in which all human life is united is passion, and faith is a passion. -- Soren Kierkegaard
  • In this case they're doctors. But having passion for your work and to take risks in order to better human kind. That's a pretty big theme. It's pretty inspiring. -- Mary Stuart Masterson
  • A Settlement is above all a place for enthusiasms, a spot to which those who have a passion for the equalization of human joys and opportunities are early attracted. -- Jane Addams
  • A passion for continual learning, a refined, discerning ear for the moral and ethical consequences of their actions, and an understanding of the purposes of work and human organisations -- Warren G. Bennis