Government involvement quotes:

  • I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education. -- Marshall Fritz
  • I am not someone who tends to advocate for increased government involvement in the private sector. -- Frederick W. Smith
  • We believe in government involvement that leads to independence: good schools, quality roads and the best health care. -- Rick Perry
  • A little government involvement is just as dangerous as a lot - because the first leads inevitably to the second. -- Harry Browne
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  • While I am a fervent believer in free markets and limited government, there are rare instances in which government involvement is necessary. -- Steve Largent
  • If the only motive was to help people who could not afford education, advocates of government involvement would have simply proposed tuition subsidies. -- Milton Friedman
  • I am against market fundamentalism. I think this propaganda that government involvement is always bad has been very successful - but also very harmful to our society. -- George Soros
  • [The government involvement in the economy] is so overwhelming and beyond anything we have ever seen, that we risk moving this country away from a government of the people to a government of the regulators. -- Tom J. Donohue
  • People in Eastern Washington should be confident in knowing that the government will not come and seize their property or farm land. Legislation is needed to correct this decision and restore the principle of having limited government involvement. -- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
  • The Tunisian blogger and activist Sami Ben Gharbia has written passionately about how U.S. government involvement in grassroots digital spaces can endanger those who are already vulnerable to accusations by nasty regimes of acting as foreign agents. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • I'm not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement. -- Mark Cuban
  • When I think of a story, somehow it just always seems to come out involving spooks and spies and government skullduggery. -- Barry Eisler
  • We have evidence that a number of Bahrainis who oppose our government are being trained in Syria. I have seen the files and we have notified the Syrian authorities, but they deny any involvement. -- Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
  • Sabotage did not involve loss of life, and it offered the best hope for future race relations. Bitterness would be kept to a minimum and, if the policy bore fruit, democratic government could become a reality. -- Nelson Mandela
  • I call for greater measures to involve more women at higher levels in mine action. Governments should do more to address gender in their mine action programmes and through their implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • Internet and government is Topic A in every nation, all around the world. There is the question of getting the Internet built. That involves persuading government to have regulatory policies. It involves new technology to bring the Internet to rural places. -- Vint Cerf
  • The apology, that is constantly put forth for the injustice of government, viz., that a man must consent to give up some of his rights, in order to have his other rights protected - involves a palpable absurdity, both legally and politically. -- Lysander Spooner
  • Public corruption is the FBI's top criminal priority. The threat - which involves the corruption of local, state, and federally elected, appointed, or contracted officials - strikes at the heart of government, eroding public confidence and undermining the strength of our democracy. -- James Comey
  • I don't want to put words in Geithner's mouth, but I think he is generally against the revolving door of government officials taking jobs with companies that they have overseen or in roles that involve lobbying. At minimum, I'm pretty sure he felt that way about himself. -- Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • The first outbreak of America's 11-year skyjacking epidemic occurred in the summer of 1961, when four planes were seized in the nation's airspace. The last of these incidents, involving 16-year-old Cody Bearden and his father, Leon, is the one that finally forced the federal government to pay attention to the escalating crisis. -- Brendan I. Koerner
  • Government or politics in America today is big business. Everybody makes money involving themselves in one way or the other, whether it's pollsters, whether they are policy wonks, whether they are pundits, whether they are those who believe that they must call it as they see it and then to be fair about it. -- Douglas Wilder
  • American families cannot compete with billionaires. Our involvement in government should not be dependent on our bank account balances -- Harry Reid
  • Initiative and referendum make government more responsive to its citizens, neutralize the power of the special interests and stimulate public involvement in state issues. -- George W. Bush