Epic love quotes:

  • As I prefer to see it, there has never been an epic love story that involved significant amounts of self-control. -- Jennifer Harrison
  • When I go off the grid, my main source of light will be fireflies. Oh, and the glow that will come from the epic love poem I am writing for you. -- Jarod Kintz
  • You're not as much of a lost cause as she was. I mean, with her, I had to overcome her deep, epic love with a Russian warlord. You and I just have to overcome hundreds of years' worth of deeply ingrained prejudice and taboo between our two races. Easy. -- Richelle Mead
  • I love all things Queen - their songs are epic storytelling. -- Nina Arianda
  • I love historical movies. I want to make a violent medieval epic. -- Eli Roth
  • I love big budgeted, epic rock landscapes. That's what turns me on. -- Melissa Auf der Maur
  • Temeraire' is a terrific meld of two genres that I particularly love - fantasy and historical epic. -- Peter Jackson
  • I love the opportunity to do lots of different kinds of projects - independent films and big studio epics as well. I'd love to be able to do a mixture. -- Holliday Grainger
  • I've always loved the old epics that tell a simple emotional story, whether it's the tumultuous relationship between Rhett and Scarlett or Lawrence of Arabia's passion to get lost in a faraway place. -- Baz Luhrmann
  • Whether you're a history buff or a fantasy fan, Druon's epic will keep you turning pages. This was the original game of thrones. If you like 'A Song of Ice and Fire', you will love 'The Accursed Kings'. -- George R. R. Martin
  • What do I geek out about? What am I? Hmmm. I love movies. I watch movies. I like big, sweeping epics, like Ed Zwick stuff: 'The Last Samurai,' 'Legends of the Fall,' 'Blood Diamond,' 'Glory.' -- Chris Evans
  • In the 'Dreamblood' books, I'm focusing more on what I like about epic fantasy: the layering and depth of tension; the chance to really delve into the minutia of an alternate society and its politics; a large cast of characters to love and hate. -- N. K. Jemisin
  • I love period pieces. It's where my skill sets lie, with the horseback riding, the sword fighting and the accents. I love that world, and I love working on those big, epic shows. That's what I hope to find myself in, in the future. -- Kris Holden-Ried
  • Forever Evil' is my love letter to DC super villains. It's my chance to take all of the villains I've worked with and all the ones I've never worked with and put them into one gigantic, epic story that will bring together the bads of the DC Universe. -- Geoff Johns
  • Everything that's going on within the peloton - there's about ten different races going on. There is also a survival element to it - I love the fact that it's so epic. You crash on a bike, the first thing you do is try and get back up on it. No whinging! -- David Millar
  • I'm a big John Steinbeck fan. Cormac McCarthy. I've always loved the stories of regular people. Mark Twain, too. When you look back at some of the epic writers of our country's history, very rarely do you find upper-class royalty. We seem to delve into the struggle of life and the labor of life much more frequently. -- Lucas Neff
  • All bad writers are in love with the epic. -- Ernest Hemingway
  • What is love? Love is an amazingly beautiful epic song of the universe -- Angie Karan
  • I'd love to be able to write crazy epic plots. I'm working on it. -- Jami Attenberg
  • I love television. I think we're in a renaissance of epic proportion in television now. -- Dennis Lehane
  • all these epic battles and monsters lately - but love is a tiny world and I prefer a more personal style -- John Geddes
  • This epic masterpiece tells the world changing story of Jesus and inspires us to love and live for others just as He did. -- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
  • Thats all I need. To find a soul mate to share my life with. To have a love so epic it will never die. -- Susane Colasanti
  • I love reading epic fantasies and big fat books and so I really wanted to write one. I think you always write what you want to read. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Even though we've written epic poems and made incredible films about love, I still don't think anyone can understand what it is, or why it means everything. -- Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor