Balance of payments quotes:

  • The question is not really about a shift to the economic cone where officers are writing about the balance of payments and the need for economic stabilization. -- Lawrence Eagleburger
  • The United States as usual has a sizable deficit in the current account of its balance of payments, trade account and other current accounts, current account items. -- Robert C. Solomon
  • The short-term international capital market is shrunken and erratic, and cannot be relied upon to cushion the effects of tendencies to disequilibrium in the balance of payments. -- Gunnar Myrdal
  • If only 50 or more people were doing for the country what I have been doing, there would not be a pay freeze or a balance of payments problem. -- Robert Maxwell
  • The fundamentals are the U.S. is going to end up being a net exporter of natural gas. That's going to be wonderful to help our balance of payments, reduce our dependence on a lot of countries that aren't so crazy about us, and change many, many parts of what goes on here. -- Wilbur Ross
  • It would be a very odd chancellor of any UK government that insisted on a course of action that cost their own businesses hundreds of millions of pounds, that blew a massive hole in their balance of payments and, because assets and liabilities go hand in hand, would potentially leave the rest of the UK shouldering the entirety of UK debt. -- Nicola Sturgeon
  • So if the euro, if Euroland is to become a reserve center, if the euro is to become a reserve currency, Euroland will have to have a deficit in its overall balance of payments. -- Robert C. Solomon
  • Everybody loves to spend money at least some of the time - because everybody loves the stuff you can buy with it. The key to the pleasure level of any transaction is the balance between the pain of the payment and the reward of the purchased object. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • Back in those days, in the fifties and sixties, countries had balance of payment's deficits or surpluses, those were reflected much more than today in movements of reserves among countries. -- Robert C. Solomon
  • The balance-of-payments theory forgets that the volume of foreign trade is completely dependent upon prices; that neither exportation nor importation can occur if there are no differences in prices to make trade profitable. -- Ludwig von Mises