Transporting quotes:

  • Transporting Americans is and should be one of the most important functions our government must address. -- Michael Moore
  • Acting is all about truth and honesty, and the sensitivity that's capable of transporting you. -- Thomas Kretschmann
  • Happiness isn't a fortune in a cookie. It's deeper, wider, funnier, and more transporting than that. -- Elvis Costello
  • If people really liked to work, we'd still be plowing the land with sticks and transporting goods on our backs. -- William Feather
  • But I don't think we'll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base for living and working and transporting ourselves through space. -- Harrison Schmitt
  • Barge traffic on the Mississippi River represents the most efficient, most cost-effective, most environmentally sound means of transporting commodity goods from this region of the country to market. -- Leonard Boswell
  • Reading a book, watching a movie, going to a play, it's transporting, and very, very exciting. And to be a part of that, creating things with your imagination, whoa. -- Steve Carell
  • Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises. -- Colin Mochrie
  • The process of making natural history films is to try to prevent the animal knowing you are there, so you get glimpses of a non-human world, and that is a transporting thing. -- David Attenborough
  • Corporate engineers have looked at how women are with each other, borrowing the best tips from female neighborhood culture and then transporting them back into the bosom of capitalism. They've feminized capitalism. -- Arlie Russell Hochschild
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  • Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood. Whether it was our mom's homemade lasagna or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past. -- Homaro Cantu
  • We believe that the next generation of powerful mobile companies have a deep understanding of the world as a unified whole, where digital and analog experiences affect each other rather than transporting analog experiences into the digital realm. -- Evan Spiegel
  • In this post 9-11 world we live in, it is critical we take steps to improve the safety and security of the Trucking Industry which has proven to be our most mobile and flexible mode of transporting goods. -- Zach Wamp
  • Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It's transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It's uplifting, it's encouraging, it's strengthening. -- Aretha Franklin
  • There is a social stigma attached to ambulance services, mostly because ambulances in India are often used as hearses for carrying the dead rather than transporting patients. We made presentations to graduating students at various healthcare institutes, trying to debunk this myth. -- Shaffi Mather
  • I think films have to reach people and really grab them. That's what I hope to do when I make a film - to get under your skin and really make you think about something, and have a transporting time that takes you somewhere. -- Mira Nair
  • I first saw 'They Shoot Horses, Don't They?' when I was very young. Its transporting qualities were so strong that I felt like I had lived it. Only recently, with adult eyes, was I able to metabolize how tragic a tale it really is. -- Jake Paltrow
  • The big reason why we don't have space colonies and regular trips to the moon is that flying into outer space is just plain 'hard.' The business of safely transporting people off the Earth is a costly affair that requires a lot of technology. -- Ben Parr
  • Right now, oil is being isolated around the globe, and there is a major effort in shipping, trucking and otherwise transporting that oil around to a very finite number of refineries. Biology allows us to make these same fuels in a much more distributed fashion. -- Craig Venter
  • I don't seem to take vacations, but I must say, a jaunt into Central Park can be mighty transporting. My boy and I can spend hours in the Ramble scaling rocks and sword fighting with sticks. I often forget I'm in Manhattan when I'm in there. -- Spencer Kayden
  • In 1957, with the arms race in full swing, the Department of Defense had decided it was just a matter of time before an airplane transporting an atomic bomb would crash on American soil, unleashing a radioactive disaster the likes of which the world had never seen. -- Annie Jacobsen
  • Those of us who know the transporting wonder of a reading life know that it little matters where we are when we talk about books or meet authors or bemoan the state of publishing because when we read, we are always inside, sheltered in that interior room, that clean, well-lighted, timeless place that is the written word. -- Alice McDermott
  • Essentially what's going to determine how you succeed in New York is how people feel about the space, how delicious the food is, how they perceive the value and, most important of all, how they feel treated. My understanding is Stephen Starr is exceptionally good at all of this and his ability to create a transporting experience. -- Danny Meyer
  • The reality is gas prices should be much more expensive then they are because we're not incorporating the true damage to the environment and the hidden costs of mining oil and transporting it to the U.S. Whenever you have an unpriced externality, you have a bit of a market failure, to the degree that eternality remains unpriced. -- Elon Musk
  • Music is all about transporting people; speaking a language which languages fail to express. -- A. R. Rahman
  • Your body's just a vehicle, transporting the soul. It's what's inside of people, is beauty to behold. -- Damian Marley
  • We need to substitute for the book a device that will make it easy to transmit information without transporting material. -- J. C. R. Licklider
  • British ferries have stopped transporting live animals to the Continent. This has made it very difficult for England fans to get to Away matches. -- Jo Brand
  • As it is a major component of blood, water is vital for transporting oxygen to the brain. Heaven forbid that your blood should dry out. -- Ben Goldacre
  • But I don't think we'll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base for living and working and transporting ourselves through space. -- Harrison Schmitt
  • This did not annoy Amanda for it had long been her theory that human beings were invented by water as a device for transporting itself from one place to another. -- Tom Robbins
  • Was it that you wanted to pull my leg by transporting me to the frozen Himalayan heights of 'mahatmaship' and claiming for yourself absolution from having to follow my precepts? -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Going to Morocco was massive; that's where I really found music which had the African syncopation and swing mixed with Arabic strains, and together they had this transporting, bittersweet quality. -- Justin Adams
  • Packing all of your belongings into a U-Haul and then transporting them across several states is nearly as stressful and futile as trying to run away from lava in swim fins -- Allie Brosh
  • The risks of transporting deadly nuclear waste, the environmental justice impacts and the long-term health effects of both these projects are untenable...We cannot afford to be silent on these important issues. -- James Cromwell
  • Literature and film have a way of lifting you from your own existence and transporting you to some foreign place and putting you in the shoes with an experience different than your own. -- Khaled Hosseini