Transitioning quotes:

  • Transitioning to being an unemployed film actor is different, but it's fun and I've been looking forward to it for a while. -- Adam Brody
  • For an actor, playing one character and transitioning to a completely different one is a dream come true. -- Dean Norris
  • I support transitioning from the progressive tax to a flat tax system - both individual and corporate/business. -- Allen West
  • In addition to transitioning to the cloud, our customers continue to invest in premium versions of our on-prem server products like Window Server, System Center and SQL Server. -- Amy Hood
  • It's funny, like 15 years ago when I was a kid doing all the John Hughes movies, I remember Bruce Willis was the only guy who was transitioning from television into film. -- Anthony Michael Hall
  • So as I look at transitioning to the communication platforms of the future, I see that the beauty of Internet protocols is you get the separation of the layers between service and technology. -- Michael K. Powell
  • I'm transitioning to television and film, but ultimately, I want to have a stronger presence on the web and be able to curate the content that I want to see. To bring attention to other filmmakers and writers. -- Issa Rae
  • I've heard this before from people: early 20s kind of screws with your head a little bit because you're transitioning into adulthood and actually becoming an adult with responsibilities and paying bills. So all of a sudden, it's like you're responsible now. -- Dan Byrd
  • In the first couple of years when you're transitioning you don't really fit into any gender, because you're changing over. You have to start getting electrolysis before you even start your therapy. But I think all the weird looks help to give you conviction in who you really are. -- Candis Cayne
  • For me, it was never a question of whether or not I was transgender. It was a question of what I'd be able to handle transitioning and having to do it in the public eye. One of the issues that was hard for me to overcome was the fear of that. -- Chaz Bono
  • I knew I could never be an actor as a man. It just doesn't work, you know? And so when I was doing drag, I realized I could do that kind of stuff, and then when I was transitioning, I kind of gave up on the whole thing because I didn't think that this time would ever come, you know? -- Candis Cayne
  • Everyone is constantly transitioning. -- Miley Cyrus
  • There is far more to transitioning in the public eye than money, public relations, and logistics. -- Chelsea Manning
  • It's a blue-collar city [Manchester] that's transitioning into a white collar place and people are getting priced out. -- Bill Burr
  • I think a revolution transitioning from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy - somebody's going to be the 21st-century clean-energy superpower. -- Hillary Clinton
  • I will not support efforts that kill jobs in my district and lack provisions for responsibly transitioning us toward a clean-energy economy. -- Ann Kirkpatrick
  • This is such a pivotal moment in my life! I'm transitioning as a woman, and I'm finally able to express myself as I am. -- Beyonce Knowles
  • One of the things that got me transitioning from physical science to brain science was asking, Why do we understand so much about the universe? -- Edward Boyden
  • I'm so grateful that I had the luxury of transitioning in private. Because when you transition in the public eye, the transition becomes the story. -- Laverne Cox
  • We continue to experience a steep growth curve and positive response from customers that are aggressively transitioning their procurement processes to leverage our technologies' benefits. -- Charles R. Jackson