Tax Burden quotes:

  • Reducing the tax burden is necessary to produce economic growth. -- Bob Schaffer
  • The alternative minimum tax was designed to prevent the very wealthiest Americans from overusing certain tax benefits to avoid most of their tax burden. -- Richard Neal
  • Near-term deficits are temporary and manageable if - and only if - we keep spending in check, the tax burden low and the economy growing. -- Jim Nussle
  • In New York, the average total state and local tax burden is $5,260 for every man, woman and child. That's by far the highest in the country. -- Tom Golisano
  • It is my hope that by reducing the tax burden on small business owners that we can help them grow their businesses and, in doing so, create jobs. -- John Liu
  • In order to spur economic growth we need to put the brakes on out of control spending, lower Ohioans tax burden and create a most efficient and effective government. -- Kenneth Blackwell
  • Brick and mortar businesses - and the communities that depend on them - cannot continue to bear an unfair sales tax burden from which their on-line competitors are effectively exempt. -- Bill Delahunt
  • The Democratic Party opposes tax cuts but it cannot say so publicly. Thus, it is forced to support the idea of lowering the tax burden but using class warfare rhetoric to dispute the allocation of the relief. -- Dick Morris
  • And I think most people in this country want to see a president that's got the courage to say we're going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we're going to get Americans working. -- Rick Perry
  • There will be no overall increase in the tax burden whatsoever. -- Tony Abbott
  • No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income. -- Ronald Reagan
  • If you want less of something, tax it. If you want more of something, don't tax it or reduce the tax burden. -- Ted Nugent
  • In the U.S. Senate, in the short term we need to reduce the tax burden on hard working individuals, families, and small businesses. -- Joni Ernst
  • We need to make sure that people can save all the money they spend on medical care by getting it back from their taxes, by reducing their tax burden. -- Ron Paul
  • In order to spur economic growth we need to put the brakes on out of control spending, lower Ohioans tax burden and create a most efficient and effective government. -- Kenneth Blackwell
  • I'm conscious of competitive issues, but at the same time the recommendation they make is that we protect citizens by not adding to the overall tax burden of the province. -- Christy Clark