Santiago quotes:

  • The Road to Santiago is the road of ordinary people. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Santiago Nasar had often told me that the smell of closed-in flowers had an immediate relation to death for him. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • I had brought up from Chile a contract agent whose cover was that of a newspaper publisher in Santiago, a young, very talented man, named Dave Phillips, who later on carved quite a career for himself in the agency. -- E. Howard Hunt
  • I became interested in film as a viewer when I was a teenager. I would spend entire afternoons in an arthouse theater in downtown Santiago. I didn't really expect to be a filmmaker back then. But it was clearly an interest. -- Omar Zuniga
  • My turning point was my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. It was then that I, who had dedicated most of my life to penetrate the 'secrets' of the universe, realized that there are no secrets. Life is and will always be a mystery. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Commander I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ and because I do I can say this. Private Santiago is dead and that is a tragedy. But he is dead because he had no code. He is dead because he had no honor. And God was watching. -- Kiefer Sutherland
  • Santiago Martinez Delgado made a Master piece in the Colombian Congress building worthy of admiration ... -- Santiago Martinez Delgado
  • and the art was in every corner and wall... a Mural of the Century of Progress in Colombia South America is rich in detail, painted by a student of the Fine Arts Academy of Chicago named Santiago Martinez; a name to remember... -- Santiago Martinez Delgado
  • In Santiago, the capital of the kingdom of Chile, at the moment of the great earthquake of 1647 in which many thousands lost their lives, a young Spaniard called Jeronimo Rugera was standing beside one of the pillars in the prison to which he had been committed on a criminal charge, and he was about to hang himself. -- Heinrich Von Kleist
  • Being a native of Spain, the country to which I owe much of my education and cultural background, I was deeply influenced by my great predecessor Santiago Ramon y Cajal. -- Severo Ochoa
  • The ferocity of Santiago Nasar's fate, which had collected twenty years of happiness from him not only with his death but also with the dismemberment of his body and its dispersion and extermination. -- Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
  • A man like Fidel Castro doesn't die: He is in the hearts and minds of the children who lined the streets when his ashes were driven from Havana, tracing the route of the revolution back to Santiago de Cuba. -- Louis Farrakhan