Risa quotes:

  • I am yours, he whisperedI live to hold you, Risa. I breathe to touch you. -- Lora Leigh
  • I am yours," he whispered. "I live to hold you, Risa. I breathe to touch you. -- Lora Leigh
  • He (Connor) will only do the wrong thing when it's the right thing to do. - Risa -- Neal Shusterman
  • Looks are deceiving, Risa saysAfter all, when I first saw you I thought you looked reasonably intelligent. -- Neal Shusterman
  • Looks are deceiving," Risa says. "After all, when I first saw you I thought you looked reasonably intelligent. -- Neal Shusterman
  • You don't like her, do you? Who, me? No, I love her dearly. Evil scheming bitches are my favorite kind of people. (Risa) -- Neal Shusterman
  • You don't like her, do you?" "Who, me? No, I love her dearly. Evil scheming bitches are my favorite kind of people." (Risa) -- Neal Shusterman
  • The woman wears a floral print blouse with lots of leaves and pink flowers. Risa would like to attack her with a weed whacker. -- Neal Shusterman
  • Risa: I love you!Otani: I know.Risa: And... you love me too, right, Otani?Otani: Yeah.Crowd: *cheers* Good job, buddy!Risa and Otani: AHHHHH! *runs away* -- Atsushi Otani
  • Which is worse, Risa often wondered, to have tens of thousands of babies that no one wanted or to silently make then go away before they were even born -- Neal Shusterman
  • Which was worse, Risa often wondered--to have tens of thousands of babies that no one wanted, or to silently make them go away before they were even born? On different days Risa had different answers. -- Neal Shusterman
  • Otani: Oh... I didn't get you a Christmas present. Risa: But you already gave me something.Otani: Huh? I didn't give you anything.Risa: It was something wonderful. 'I seem to like you much more than I realized'. -- Atsushi Otani
  • Jika kau menghamba kepada ketakutan, kita memperpanjang barisan perbudakan. -- Wiji Thukul
  • Y la sonrisa es la base de la belleza. -- Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • Ante los crisantemos blancos las tijeras vacilan un instante. -- Octavio Paz
  • Rebellion without reprisal is one of democracy's perks, right? -- Laura Kelly
  • El silencio es una risa burlona. El silencio roba algo. -- Bret Easton Ellis
  • The deadliest Pharisaism today is not hypocrisy, but unconscious unreality. -- Oswald Chambers
  • Meski kerisauan hadir dalam pikiranku, tapi ketenangan dan kekhusyukan memenuhi dada -- Dian Nafi
  • With Weasel and Arisa at his side, anything was possible. Anything. -- Hilari Bell
  • Si quieres olvidarme date prisa, no me consuela tu amistad, tu duda... -- Joaquín Sabina
  • Me he empavorecido, me he engrisado,me he atardecido,mi lengua no sabe. -- Alejandra Pizarnik
  • Las cosas hechas con prisa a menudo se esfuman tal y cual llegaron. -- L.A. Serröt
  • Mi intencion de hacerte reir es totalmente egoista , solo hago para ver tu sonrisa -- Matias Silva
  • La risa es algo muy serio, Sabes? Es el disolvente universal de las preocupaciones. -- Álex Rovira Francesc Miralles
  • Kemerdekaan adalah warisan pejuang. Kita memikulnya dengan tanggung jawab sejahterakan masa depan anak cucu. -- SBYudhoyono
  • No existe mejor sabor que la risa de otra persona en tu boca. Sam -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • Kenangan perlu ada dalam hidup untuk dikenang, ditertawakan dan menjadi warisan ingatan kepada anak keturunam -- Norhayati Berahim
  • El hombre corriente, cuando emprende una cosa, la echa a perder por tener prisa en terminarla. -- Lao Tzu
  • Dengan arungi lautan luas nusantara, generasi kita miliki karakter bangsa bahari yang tangguh, warisan nenek moyang. -- SBYudhoyono
  • Se habia arreglado para la boda, llevando un esmoquin negro a la medida y su mejor sonrisa depravada -- Becca Fitzpatrick Finale
  • Suara, bahkan risalah protes yang keras, seperti halnya sastra, tak pernah cukup kuat dan cukup padu untuk mengubah dunia. (h. 384) -- Goenawan Mohamad
  • Las puestas de sol no tienen prisa, y nosotros tampoco. El cielo se encuentra sometido a un sortilegio poderoso y estructurado. -- Don DeLillo
  • So the first thing that went on was to decide... trying to find a time when we could get reprisal raids out. -- James Stockdale
  • Nilai Kemanusiaan kita ditantang secara kasar manakala keragaman di antara kita dipampatkan secara semena-mena ke dalam satu sistem kategorisasi tunggal yang semena-mena -- Amartya Sen
  • The Church is going to have to recognise that secularisation is not the cause of their decline, it is the result of it. -- Keith Porteous Wood
  • But no one walks out of his family without reprisals: a family is too disciplined an army to offer compassion to its deserters. -- Pat Conroy
  • A reprisal of this magnitude... has never been carried out before. I paced back and forth in my room perplexed and completely depressed, feeling helpless. -- Moshe Sharett
  • Su sonrisa es como un chocolate fundido. Es como un solo de guitarra de puta madre. Es todo lo bueno que hay en este mundo. -- Gayle Forman
  • Who are you, gaijin? What do you know about honor?''I'm called Chocho,' Will said...'Chocho?' Arisaka shouted, goaded beyond control. 'Butterfly? Then die, Butterfly! -- John Flanagan
  • These soldiers had done what they had done, and been done unto in return. This was how it went.In the cycle of slaughter, reprisal begat reprisal, forever. -- Laini Taylor
  • Marisa starts to snoop. I might as well too. It's not often that I get to visit a water pellet company in a freaky refugee nation. -from Fireseed One -- Catherine Stine
  • Elizabeth Bachinsky, Darren Bifford, Jason Camelot, Rachel Cyr, Tara Flanagan, Lilly Fiorentino, John Goldbach, David McGimpsey, Evan Munday, Sachiko Murakami, Ian Orti, Marisa Grizenko, Christina Palassio, Mike Spry, Darren Wershler. -- Jon Paul Fiorentino
  • Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal. -- Patrick Lencioni
  • Arisa: You bastard! Why don't I teach you a lesson!Kyo: I'd like to see you try, bitch!Yuki: I have a winning hand.Tohru: I knew you'd be good at this. -- Natsuki Takaya
  • There is a killer in every cowardly man, waiting for the right set of circumstances when the time has been drained of the possibility of reprisals and he feels free to act. -- M.D. Lachlan
  • Indahnya sholat indahnya islamkita bagaikan satu tubuh..masing-masing mengisi tempat - tempat kosongseperti sel-sel yang berpadu rapat ..membentuk satu tubuh yang kompak dan padatkita serupa barisan..yang rapat dan bersatu padu menjadi kuat.. -- Dian Nafi
  • The most insignificant people are the most apt to sneer at others. They are safe from reprisals. And have no hope of rising in their own self esteem but by lowering their neighbors. -- William Hazlitt
  • I do give them to you, he announcedOf my free will. Because this is my sword. He laid a hand on Arisa's shoulderAnd Weasle is my shield. What you hold are only pieces of iron. -- Hilari Bell
  • Multi- polarisation has become an inevitable trend in the process of shaping a global political pattern and has been widely welcomed by the international community as it reflects the common interests and aspiration of the overwhelming majority of countries. -- Li Peng
  • Tradisi setiap bangsa adalah modal dan warisan abadi yang mengungkapkan kemajuan dan peradaban yang pernah dicapainya. Setiap bangsa pasti memiliki masa lalu sebelum menginjak masa kini; dan membangun masa kini yang kokoh di atas pijakan masa lalu yang kuat. -- Yusri Abdul Ghani Abdullah
  • Islam menolak secara total penerapan apapun dari konsep-konsep sekular, sekularisasi atau sekularisme atas dirinya, kerana semuanya itu bukanlah milik Islam dan asing baginya dalam segala segi. Konsep-konsep tersebut merupakan milik dan hanya wajar dalam konteks sejarah intelektual Kristen-Barat, baik pengalaman maupun kesedaran keagamaannya. -- Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Attas
  • And let it here be noted that men are either to be kindly treated, or utterly crushed, since they can revenge lighter injuries, but not graver. Wherefore the injury we do to a man should be of a sort to leave no fear of reprisals. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Man shabara zhafira. Siapa yang bersabar akan beruntung. Jangan risaukan penderitaan hari ini, jalani saja dan lihatlah apa yang akan terjadi di depan. Karena yang kita tuju bukan sekarang, tapi ada yang lebih besar dan prinsipil, yaitu menjadi manusia yang telah menemukan misinya dalam hidup. -- Ahmad Fuadi
  • LAURA ATCHISON, Author of What Would A Wise Woman Do?, on DANGEROUS ODDS by Marisa Lankester:Truth is always wilder than fiction. Hold on to your hats and enjoy this page turning look inside the world of sports betting from a good girl gone bad for love. -- Laura Atchison
  • I'd disagree with the characterisations of him as competitive (which I think was just misinterpretation of his ambition) or secretive (which I think is more about wanting to protect his team and his customers). Jeff [Bezos] could much more accurately be described as a naively optimistic geek than a calculating megalomaniac. -- Richard L. Brandt
  • Bella: Fu un bacio tenero, adorante. Dimenticai la folla, il luogo, il tempo, la ragione. Ricordavo solo che mi amava, che mi voleva, che ero sua. Lui lo aveva iniziato e stava a lui concludere quel bacio, ma io lo strinsi forte, ignorando le risatine e i colpi di tosse dei presenti. -- Stephenie Meyer
  • The process of secularisation arises not from the loss of faith but from the loss of social interest in the world of faith. It begins the moment men feel that religion is irrelevant to the common way of life and that society as such has nothing to do with the truths of faith. -- Christopher Henry Dawson
  • The Holy Spirit did not go into such detail about the Pharisees in the New Testament just so we could understand a group unique to the first century. Pharisaism is a poisonous weed that grows in every garden of orthodox religion. Pharisaism is every bit the threat to the orthodox today that it was then. -- J.D. Greear
  • A lot of weird things happen to me. People call out to me on the street and I figure I know them, and I walk over. And then they start to talk about a movie, and I get so embarrassed. Sometimes they think I'm Lorraine Bracco or Laura San Giacomo or Marisa Tomei. I'm sure it happens to them all the time, too. -- Annabella Sciorra
  • Lev looks at Risa, almost afraid to ask the obvious question. Finally he says, 'Uh...why do we have a baby?''Ask him,' says Risa.Stone-faced, Conner looks out of the window. 'They're looking for two boys and a girl. Having a baby will throw them off.''Great,' snaps Risa. 'Maybe we should all pick up a baby along the way. -- Neal Shusterman
  • These waters are sacred to us and for you to be allowed to swim in these waters is a rare honour. What are you waiting for?Vartan turned to look at Trisa.She winked at him and whispered, Don't worry young man, I've seen it all before. You have nothing to be shy around me for.I wasn't... began Vartan, his cheeks reddening, Never mind. -- Peter Koevari
  • Avie Tevanian, a lanky and gregarious engineer at NeXT who had become Jobs's friend, remembers that every now and then, when they were going out to dinner, they would stop by Chrisann's house to pick up LisaHe was very sweet to her, Tevanian recalledHe was a vegetarian, and so was Chrisann, but she wasn't. He was fine with that. He suggested she order chicken, and she -- Walter Isaacson
  • Pernyataan bahwa sekularisasi mempunyai akarnya di dalam kepercayaan Injil dan merupakan natijah dari ajaran Injil, tidak didukung oleh fakta sejarah. Akar sekularisasi bukan adlam kepercayaan kitab Injil, melainkan di dalam tafsiran manusia Barat terhadap kepercayaan kitab tersebut; ini bukanlah buah dari ajaran Injil, tetapi natijah dari sejarah panjang perseteruan dalam filsafat dan metafisika antara pandangan alam (worldview) manusia Barat yang bersandarkan agama dengan yang rasionalis murni. -- Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Attas
  • Sayang sekali, jika kamu baru menerima kaderisasi di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dan sudah terlalu membanggakannya. Apa kamu tidak pernah tahu esensi persahabatan -termasuk kerja sama, tolong menolong, dsb.- sebelum dikader? Apa kamu tidak pernah diajari bertanggung jawab sebelum dikader? Apa kamu tidak pernah disiplin waktu sebelum dikader? Apa kamu tidak pernah peduli sebelum dikader?Orang sukses dengan cara mereka sendiri. Setiap orang hebat dengan cara mereka sendiri. -- Eka Prasetyani