Regime Change quotes:

  • How will the bombing of Baghdad, a city of five million, accomplish a regime change? -- Susan Sarandon
  • The only thing that will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons is regime change in Tehran. -- John Bolton
  • Look at the results of regime change in Iraq. You can't possibly claim that it was successful. -- Bashar al-Assad
  • The upper hand is with those who are pushing regime change rather than those who are advocating more diplomacy. -- Richard N. Haass
  • We need a regime change in this country.... If we launch a pre-emptive strike on Iraq we lose all moral authority. -- Jesse Jackson
  • The argument that someone is a bad man is an inadequate argument for war and certainly an inadequate and unacceptable argument for regime change. -- John Major
  • What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States. -- John F. Kerry
  • Desert Storm II would be in a walk in the park... The case for 'regime change' boils down to the huge benefits and modest costs of liberating Iraq. -- Kenneth Adelman
  • I also think that there is a strong streak of racism, and whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color. -- Ed Asner
  • Whether or not regime change is a good idea or a bad idea. I don't think because I think the regime change was a bad idea it means that Hussein was necessarily a good idea. -- Rand Paul
  • Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change. -- Robert Mugabe
  • It is not democracy to send in billions of dollars to push regime change overseas. It isn't democracy to send in the NGOs to re-write laws and the constitution in places like Ukraine. It is none of our business. -- Ron Paul
  • I think that if you believe in regime change, you're mistaken. In 2013, we put 600 tons of weapons - us, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar - into the war against [Bashar] Assad. By pushing Assad back, we did create a safe space. -- Rand Paul
  • There is often variations of evil on both sides of the war. What we have to decide is whether or not regime change is a good idea. It's what the neoconservatives have wanted. It's what the vast majority of those on the stage want. -- Rand Paul
  • Out of regime change you get chaos. From the chaos you have seen repeatedly the rise of radical Islam. So we get this profession of, oh, my goodness, they want to do something about terrorism and yet they're the problem because they allow terrorism to arise out of that chaos. -- Rand Paul
  • I think it's a huge mistake. I think regime change in Syria, and this is what - I've been saying this for several years now. In 2013 when we first went in, I said, you are going to give arms to the allies of al Qaida, to radical jihadists? That's crazy. -- Rand Paul
  • We had people coming to our Foreign Relations Committee and saying, "Oh, we need to arm the allies of Al Qaida." They are still saying this. It is a crazy notion. This is the biggest debate we should be having is is regime change a good idea; has it been a good idea. -- Rand Paul
  • Of course, there is no question that Libya - and the world - will be better off with Gaddafi out of power. I, along with many other world leaders, have embraced that goal, and will actively pursue it through non-military means. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake. -- Barack Obama
  • Regime change has been an American policy under the Clinton administration, and it is the current policy. I support the policy. But regime change in and of itself is not sufficient justification for going to war--particularly unilaterally--unless regime change is the only way to disarm Iraq of the weapons of mass destruction pursuant to the United Nations resolution. -- John F. Kerry
  • Under the current U.S. policy, because of this power struggle, American oil companies can't do business with Iran. So I think the ultimate goal of the U.S. administration in Iran is regime change, to put into power a pro-Western government that will eliminate the strategic challenge to U.S. interests and, at the same time, allow the lifting of sanctions and allowing American oil companies to do business with Iran. -- Michael Klare
  • I've always said that the Cuban regime will not change politically. -- Marco Rubio
  • Regime change is not within that purview. And that has been an all-out disaster. -- Jill Stein
  • I think those who have wanted regime [of Bashar Assad] change have made a mistake. -- Rand Paul
  • We invaded Iraq to change a totalitarian, despotic regime, and we have been successful there. -- Judd Gregg
  • The Democrats thought that Hillary Clinton is too aggressive and too much into regime change. -- Juan Williams
  • You can't change a regime on the basis of compassion. There's got to be something harder. -- Nadine Gordimer
  • I am no apologist for Fidel's [Castro] regime. It is, after all, a totalitarian regime. So I would like to see that change. -- John Gimlette
  • We must acknowledge that for scores of years the Iraqis have offered martyrs and victims but have not been able to change the regime. -- Jalal Talabani
  • There is no suggestion of regime change; quite the contrary, this is an initiative to help people and to help governments who are inclined toward change. -- Colin Powell
  • Most of the European leaders look at themselves as having to follow the United States, because if the US opposes them, there will be a regime change. -- Michael Hudson
  • I can't on my own change the regime in South Africa or teach the Palestinians to learn to live with the Israelies, but I can start with me. -- River Phoenix