Rampant quotes:

  • Rampant eclecticism is my middle name. -- Linda Ronstadt
  • Rampant inflation is just as hard to live with as the devaluation of commodities. -- David Harvey
  • Rampant technolgy eliminates luxury, but not by declaring privilege a human right; rather, it does so by both raising the general standard of living and cutting off the possibility of fulfilment. -- Theodor Adorno
  • Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • Illiteracy is rampant. People are out of communication. -- Karen Black
  • As an outsider in America, you do see the kind of hypocrisy that's rampant there. -- Ben Mendelsohn
  • Dubai must crack down on rampant smuggling, and the U.A.E. federal government has significantly stepped up pressure. -- Elliott Abrams
  • Sibling rivalry was, and still is to this day, rampant in my family. We were all competing for my parents' divided attention. -- Janine di Giovanni
  • I started turning 40 at 38. I had pains all over my body. I couldn't sleep, I had rampant anxiety, and I couldn't stop eating and drinking. -- Lorraine Gary
  • Let's trace the birth of an idea. It's born as rampant radicalism, then it becomes progressivism, then liberalism, then it becomes moderated conservative, outmoded, and gone. -- Powell Clayton
  • Public office is supposed to be a public trust. This is a clear sign of the rampant corruption at the highest levels of the Republican leadership. -- Bob Etheridge
  • Fears of creating new kinds of plagues or of altering human evolution or of irreversibly altering the environment were only some of the concerns that were rampant. -- Paul Berg
  • Unfortunately, from what I can see from my vantage point as the U.S. Attorney here, illegal insider trading is rampant and may even be on the rise. -- Preet Bharara
  • Our nation stands at the crossroads of liberty. Crushing national debt, rampant illegal immigration, insane business regulations and staggering national unemployment are pushing our nation into unchartered territory. -- James Lankford
  • And for all my rampant technological optimism, sometimes I think I'd be more comfortable if I were regarding these transcendental events from one thousand years remove... instead of twenty. -- Vernor Vinge
  • In our world of rampant 'individualisation', relationships are mixed blessings. They vacillate between a sweet dream and a nightmare, and there is no telling when one turns into the other. -- Zygmunt Bauman
  • Lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us? -- Tom Coburn
  • I look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Whip McCarthy and the entire republican conference as we repeal Obamacare, fight rampant job killing regulations, cut spending and help put folks back to work. -- Fred Upton
  • My mother had been educated at a convent, and she had been converted to communism by my father during Stalin's most rampant period, at the beginning of the 1930s. So she had two gods, God in heaven and god on earth. -- Guillermo Cabrera Infante
  • There's no question that homophobia is rampant among the world's 1.5 billion Muslims - but that doesn't negate the fact that there are huge groups of Muslims who have easily reconciled their faith and sexual orientation, like LGBT people in other faith communities. -- Reza Aslan
  • But the Bible speaks against it, and because the Bible speaks against it, we allow rampant sin including homosexuality and lying, and to me lying is just as b ad as homosexuality, and we've allowed this sin to run rampant in our nation. -- Reggie White
  • Exploitation was rampant before statehood, and various factions actively tried to eradicate the roots of Hawaiian culture in the process of converting the natives to European religious beliefs. Some of the results can never be undone. We try to honor what is left. -- Todd Rundgren
  • Fear has been a big battle, it runs rampant in my sport so I love to overcome that, to challenge it head on, because there is nothing that feels as accomplished as overcoming a fear, and something that has blocked you in such a big way. -- Laura Wilkinson
  • There is a rampant tendency in any industry where someone is trying to sell something with a bunch of data, where they cherry pick a little bit... bias a little bit. This becomes quite easy when there is an enormous amount of data to cherry pick from. -- Burt Rutan
  • If I let a blue mood run rampant, before I know it I'm obsessing about the color of the satin lining in my coffin - will it match my dress? That's when I feel like Alice in Cancerland falling down the rabbit hole and just have to stop. -- Kris Carr
  • Whenever I speak at the United Nations, UNICEF or elsewhere to raise awareness of the continual and rampant recruitment of children in wars around the world, I come to realize that I still do not fully understand how I could have possibly survived the civil war in my country, Sierra Leone. -- Ishmael Beah
  • You don't want to be that parent - the one who dresses his kid in a cloth sack when all the other kids are in Armani cloth sacks - especially in a time like ours, when materialism is not only rampant and ascendant but is fast becoming the only game in town. -- George Saunders
  • When you're young, you wonder what all these old people are droning on about, trying to impart their wisdom. It's not relevant to you because being young is such a specific thing. Thank God for that. Thank God for the young people who go out and demonstrate against rampant capitalism or whatever. -- Helen Mirren
  • Animal abuse is rampant in the U.S., right under everyone's eyes, for the entertainment of the public. The brutal confinement and pain of training methods of wild animals in the circus, the aquatic and theatrical shows, leads to retaliation by the animals. Eventually they find the right time to strike out, and they will. -- Tippi Hedren
  • I am rampant with memory. -- Margaret Laurence
  • Cruelty is easy, cheap and rampant. -- Brené Brown
  • Cruelty is easy, cheap and rampant. -- Brené Brown
  • I consider myself a rampant feminist. -- Cindy Gallop
  • Crime is rampant. We even steal away from responsibility. -- Andre Brie
  • The inner child runs rampant. They're just smaller, that's all. -- Jim Carrey
  • I wasn't driven into medicine by a social conscience but by rampant curiosity. -- Jonathan Miller
  • I do think homophobia in the '80s was more rampant and socially acceptable. -- Eric Andre
  • If your focus is always changing, expect confusion to be rampant on your team. -- David Cottrell
  • Beware of the community in which blasphemy does not exist: underneath, atheism runs rampant -- Antonio Machado
  • Beware of the community in which blasphemy does not exist: underneath, atheism runs rampant. -- Antonio Machado
  • [T]he army of wrongness rampant in the world might as well march over me. -- Truman Capote
  • The whole history of computers is rampant with cheerleading at best and bigotry at worst. -- Larry Wall
  • There is a bigotry rampant in America, against evangelicals. It is the last respectable bigotry. -- Michael Novak
  • If environmental protection efforts continue to lag behind economic growth, pollution will become even more rampant. -- Zhou Shengxian
  • Capitalism, and capitalism alone, has rescued the human race from degrading poverty, rampant sickness and early death. -- Llewellyn Rockwell
  • Ignorance is venomous and it murders the soul, spreading like a virus, running rampant, out of control. -- Immortal Technique
  • Every penny of the $7 billion going to Africa as per Obama will be stolen - corruption is rampant! -- Donald Trump
  • The misapprehension about me is that I am some loud, rampant maniac. I am actually very pensive and quiet. -- Brian Blessed
  • But the imposition of morality onto science, - where it does not belong - has become rampant in recent years. -- Bill Condon
  • Authors must spend months, years making fantasy believable in a single work while reality runs rampant and complete chaos elsewhere. -- Don Roff
  • Everyone faces challenges from the fierce competition as well as the manipulative crooks that are rampant throughout the music business. -- Wendy Starland
  • The great charm of cats is their rampant egotism, their devil-may-care attitude toward responsibility, their disinclination to earn an honest dollar... -- Robertson Davies
  • Superficial religion consists of merely believing certain truths and doing certain things....such superficial religion is rampant in the world today. -- David Platt
  • We spoke and acted as if, given the opportunity for self-government, we would quickly create utopias. Instead injustice, even tyranny, is rampant. -- Julius Nyerere
  • In some settings, however, rampant opportunistic behavior severely limits what can be done jointly without major investments in monitoring and sanctioning arrangements. -- Elinor Ostrom
  • Remember her hair in the morning before it was pinned, black, rampant, savage with loveliness. As if she slept in perpetual storm. -- Cormac McCarthy
  • Among women, guilt spreads with the rampant fury of bubonic plague. ... I used to feel guilty if the cat had matted fur. -- Sue Thoele
  • We live in far too permissive a society. Never before has pornography been this rampant. And those films are so badly lit! -- Woody Allen
  • --
  • There is rampant among us a spirit of criticism. Men and women who carry heavy responsibility do not need criticism, they need encouragement. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • There are potential policy consequences to a president who doesn`t believe in our election system and believes that there`s rampant voter fraud. -- Chuck Todd
  • Give me lust, baby. Flash. Give me malice. Flash. Give me detached existentialist ennui. Flash. Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism. Flash. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • You may only get this one life â?? but lived free of submissive reverence â?? that is still a thing of rampant beauty. -- Trevor Treharne
  • The U. S. is becoming more hostile to Black people and other people of color. Racism is running rampant and xenophobia is on the rise -- Assata Shakur
  • The qualities most needed are charity and tolerance, not some form of fanatical faith such as is offered to us by the various rampant isms -- Bertrand Russell
  • Maybe if we can find time to hug and cherish our families and the people around us, child suicide or college suicide wouldn't be rampant. -- Uwem Akpan
  • The tendency of the UN and its major supporters is to think good intentions and mild to rampant corruption are as good as actual results. -- John Hamill
  • The world is changing rapidly, and everyone changes along with the world. Discoveries is now becoming rampant; intellectually, technologically,etc, each having its advantage and disadvantage. -- Michael Bassey Johnson
  • The debate analysis in the media is rampant with contest analogies of war, baseball, boxing, football; you name it. Any testosterone contest imaginable is fair game. -- Jonathan Raymond
  • I long to drift through turquoise skies;race the wind in rampant flight.Ruddy chains have framed my eyes,they seize my heart and stain the light. -- Craig Froman
  • Man was made to lead with his chin; he is worth knowing only with his guard down, his head up and his heart rampant on his sleeve. -- Robert Farrar Capon
  • The seeds of Death are sown in us when we begin to live, and grow up till, like rampant weeds, they choak the tender flower of life. -- Samuel Richardson
  • I could do with a bit more excess. From now on I'm going to be immoderate--and volatile--I shall enjoy loud music and lurid poetry. I shall be rampant. -- Joanne Harris
  • There is no War on Terrorism; it is The Great Game speeded up. The difference is the rampant nature of the superpower, ensuring infinite dangers for us all. -- John Pilger
  • Was I the only woman in the world who, at my age - and after a lifetime of quite rampant independence - still did not quite feel grown up? -- Dodie Smith
  • Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • In our world of rampant individualisation, relationships are mixed blessings. They vacillate between a sweet dream and a nightmare, and there is no telling when one turns into the other. -- Zygmunt Bauman
  • When I was growing up in the 1930s and '40s anti-Semitism was rampant. It wasn't like Nazi Germany but it was pretty serious - it was part of life. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Similarities in the vampire genre are so rampant that there's really no such thing as an original idea - only an original take on an idea that's been done before. -- Jeaniene Frost
  • In a society in which individualism is becoming rampant, people more and more believe that they are the center of the world. Such a belief system makes individual failure almost inconsolable. -- Martin Seligman
  • Instead of asking what's wrong with rampant consumerism, we ought to be asking, 'What justifies it?' Popular art does not have to pander to the lowest level of intelligence and taste. -- Bill Watterson
  • The specific danger is us; we are rampant; this earth is our only friend; we are destroying it increment by increment at a horrific rate. We must understand that we can't buy it back. -- William Kittredge
  • I think 9/11 was a couple of thousand assholes in Afghanistan who ran rampant and just kind of did their thing and we could have gotten them in Tora Bora if that was handled better. -- Richard Patrick
  • There's rampant sexism, of course there is! It just goes without saying. Every woman in the workplace knows this; [every woman] in the workplace has to work harder than a man to prove themselves. -- Nancy Grace
  • We have two companies of Marines running rampant all over the northern half of this island, and three Army regiments pinned down in the southwestern corner, doing nothing. What the hell is going on? -- John W. Vessey, Jr.
  • Travel' is the name of a modern disease which became rampant in themid-fifties and is still spreading. The disease - its scientific name is travelitis furiosus - is carried by a germ called prosperity. -- George Mikes
  • We will, at some point, reflect back at our rampant acceptance of speciesism with profound regret. Our journey to understanding that all demonstrations of life possess equal value is a slow and harrowing one. -- Ian Somerhalder
  • Finlay was the godfather of a problem that's rampant everywhere today. He called the people who made his work 'collaborators'... nowadays it's 'fabricators'... talented people who are grateful, desperate and thwarted. There's plenty of them. -- Alexander Stoddart