Never Explain quotes:

  • Never Explain Anything -- H. P. Lovecraft
  • Never complain. Never explain. -- Katharine Hepburn
  • Never explain, never complain. -- Wallis Simpson
  • Never complain and never explain. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl. -- Benjamin Jowett
  • Never apologize. Never explain. Just get the thing done, and let them howl. -- Agnes Macphail
  • Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it. -- Shel Silverstein
  • Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • I went to Catholic school and they basically just said don't have sex, but would never explain anything. -- Khloe Kardashian
  • You will find in politics that you are much exposed to the attribution of false motive. Never complain and never explain. -- Stanley Baldwin
  • My mother told me never explain, never complain. Even as a young actress, I determined I would never give personal interviews, since they made me so uncomfortable. -- Jennifer Jones
  • If it were possible to talk to the unborn, one could never explain to them how it feels to be alive, for life is washed in the speechless real. -- Jacques Barzun
  • One of my rules is never explain. A writer is a lot like a magician, if you explain how the trick works then a lot of the magic turns mundane. -- Laurell K. Hamilton
  • I like working with actresses, and I like women a lot, not for obvious reasons, but just in that that there's so much about what they bring to the scene that keeps it so interesting. Their instincts are so different, and they never explain them to you. -- Ryan Gosling
  • Dickinson is my hero because she was a joker, because she would never explain, because as a poet she confronted pain, dread and death, and because she was capable of speaking of those matters with both levity and seriousness. She's my hero because she was a metaphysical adventurer. -- Helen Oyeyemi
  • Never apologize. Never explain. -- Janet Fitch
  • Never complain, never explain personal motto of -- Kerry Packer
  • Inspiration will always sing; inspiration will never explain. -- Khalil Gibran
  • You don't have to explain something you never said. -- Calvin Coolidge
  • I've never had a 12-year-old try to explain to me about groove. -- Anderson Cooper
  • If you don't know why,I could never explain it to you. -- Sidney Sheldon
  • Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. -- Brian Tracy
  • I would like to make one thing quite clear. ... I never explain anything. -- Julie Andrews
  • I've never had to explain 'Prometheus' to people, ever. Most people get it. -- Idris Elba
  • Never retract, never explain, never apologize; get things done and let them howl. -- Nellie L. McClung
  • Only peons made excusses for themselves she taught me. Never apologize, never explain. -- Janet Fitch
  • Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything. -- William of Ockham
  • Never contradict. Never explain. Never apologize. (Those are the secrets of a happy life!) -- John Arbuthnot
  • Forget it. Never explain; never apologize. You can either write posthumously or you can't. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • Reason can never reconcile one to life: nothing allays the wants one cannot explain. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • Production functions involving only land, labor and capital... never work and never explain economic development. -- Kenneth E. Boulding
  • Never do anything that you don't want to have to explain to 9-1-1 personnel. -- Jill Shalvis
  • Never apologize, never explain - didn't we always say that? Well, I haven't and I don't. -- Marianne Faithfull
  • You never question the truth of something until you have to explain it to a skeptic. -- Donald Miller
  • Love can never explain the loved one, my dear. It is the essence of wild unreason. -- Han Suyin
  • Blackmailers never explain their thinking. They're like pirates that way. Dark-hearted, dangerous--- and cool like Johnny Depp. -- Janette Rallison
  • In life as well as in art Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates. -- Alan Watts
  • Unless you know what it is I ain't never going to be able to explain it to you. -- Louis Armstrong
  • I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I couldn't explain away afterwards. -- Rudyard Kipling
  • Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. -- dream hampton
  • Science repudiates philosophy. In other words, it has never cared to justify its truth or explain its meaning. -- Alfred North Whitehead
  • I suppose you could never explain to the most ingenous molusk that such a creature as a whale existed. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • My blood is too thick for California: I have never been able to properly explain myself in this climate. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • The words 'I will forgive you, but I'll never forget what you've done' never explain the real nature of forgiveness. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Suicide is the most private and mysterious of acts, inexplicable because the chief actor is never there to explain it. -- P. D. James
  • I learned, one, you shouldn't ever quit. And I learned, two, you'll never be able to explain it to anybody -- Jim Ryun
  • From that first moment, in a way she could never explain, the Meadows claimed her and made her their own. -- Elizabeth George Speare
  • A great teacher never strives to explain his vision. He simply invites you to stand beside him and see for yourself. -- Bobby Ray Inman
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  • I never knew how much I missed pickles and pickle juice. It's like, an overwhelming feeling that I can't even explain. -- Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi
  • I kept looking for a logic that would explain life. It never occurred to me that instead love is the vital synthesis. -- Jane Roberts
  • Science is no more than an investigation of a miracle we can never explain, and art is an interpretation of that miracle. -- Ray Bradbury
  • You should never be surprised by or feel the need to explain why any physical system is in a high entropy state. -- Brian Greene
  • I never say that evolution is a fact. Evolution is a theory. It's much more important than a fact, because theories explain things. -- Eugenie Scott
  • You can never say everything you want to say. I feel I had a fair opportunity to explain a lot of the questions. -- Jeffrey Skilling
  • Gossip is the currency of the discourse, so you should shut up about yourself. Never confess, never explain, never apologize, and never complain. -- Dave Hickey
  • Picasso said that no one has to explain a daffodil. Good design is understandable to virtually everybody. You never have to ask why. -- Hugh Newell Jacobsen
  • Never explain yourself to anyone, because the one who likes you would not need it, and the one dislikes you wouldn't believe it. -- Ali ibn Abi Talib
  • It's so much easier to walk away than it is to have to explain to someone that you never want to see them again. -- Meg Cabot
  • Words were never invented to fully explain the peaceful aura that surrounds us when we are in communion with minds of the same thoughts. -- Eddie Myers
  • I would figure out, later, how to explain to my boss that, for me, Delia will never be a story, but a happy ending. -- Jodi Picoult
  • I'm certainly not very book smart, but I started traveling at 16, and it has enriched me in ways I could never begin to explain. -- Hilary Swank
  • To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who's never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind. -- Jerome Drayton
  • Why do we have to talk about it? Why? I never saw anything like this.Every time we are going to attack somebody, we explain. -- Donald Trump
  • But I never thought of who he wasn't, I never had to explain or defend him to myself, I didn't even care what we talked about. -- Curtis Sittenfeld
  • Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint. -- Pablo Picasso
  • The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith. -- Jose Saramago
  • It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind. -- T. S. Eliot
  • In Britain the government has to come down in front of Parliament every day to explain its actions, but here the President never answers directly to Congress. -- Bella Abzug
  • One of the primary motivations for the series is that I never really felt that I was a person who could explain verbally what I thought all that well. -- Lev Yilmaz
  • The sight of him did something to me I've never quite been able to explain. He was more than tremendous speed and beauty of motion. He set me dreaming. -- Walt Morey
  • Since dictating the Bible, and hiring a perfect race of ministers to explain it, God has never done much but creep around and try to catch us disobeying it. -- Sinclair Lewis
  • We're all lonely for something we don't know we're lonely for. How else to explain the curious feeling that goes around feeling like missing somebody we've never even met? -- David Foster Wallace
  • Accept that there are things in this world we can never explain and life will be understandable. That is the irony of life. It is also the beauty of it. -- Tan Twan Eng
  • Compose aloud: poetry is a sound. Never explain- your reader is as smart as you. Your reader is not just any reader, but is the rare one with ears in his head. -- Basil Bunting