Narcissist quotes:

  • Narcissist: psychoanalytic term for the person who loves himself more than his analyst; considered to be the manifestation of a dire mental disease whose successful treatment depends on the patient learning to love the analyst more and himself less. -- Thomas Szasz
  • A narcissist is someone better looking than you are. -- Gore Vidal
  • Nobody can be kinder than the narcissist while you react to life in his own terms. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • In an individualistic culture, the narcissist is God's gift to the world. In a collectivist society, the narcissist is God's gift to the collective. -- Christopher Lasch
  • The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history. -- Bertrand Russell
  • Since narcissism is fueled by a greater need to be admired than to be liked, psychologists might use that fact as a therapeutic lever - stressing to patients that being known as a narcissist will actually cause them to lose the respect and social status they crave. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • Jerk equals narcissist.Narcissists tend to be risk takers. Risk takers happen to do better in general in businesses. So jerk equals narcissist, equals risk taker. -- Eric Bolling
  • I've always been a narcissist. -- Damian Lewis
  • A lot of artists are such narcissists. -- Kristen Stewart
  • The narcissist enjoys being looked at and not looking back. -- Mason Cooley
  • I don't care what you think unless it is about me. -- Kurt Cobain
  • No one has probably helped me more with my narcissism than my dog. -- Tucker Max
  • Clever gimmicks of mass distraction yield a cheap soulcraft of addicted and self-medicated narcissists. -- Cornel West
  • The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside. -- Sam Vaknin
  • Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge. -- Todd Solondz
  • The narcissist act is not an act. I actually am a narcissist, very much so. My world revolves around me. -- Tucker Max
  • Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence. -- Sam Vaknin
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  • Every writer is a narcissist. This does not mean that he is vain; it only means that he is hopelessly self-absorbed. -- Leo Rosten
  • I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it... It is unrequited self-love. -- Emily Levine
  • With women, there's a basic female instinct of caring deeply about the way they look; women stars have a narcissist complex. -- Edith Head
  • I don't know if my mother was a narcissist - or bi-polar or borderline. Those were words she tossed around over the years. -- Ariel Gore
  • There are athletes and celebrities that are out there and they Twitter and they constantly try to drum up press because they're narcissists. -- Geoff Stults
  • I was a solipsist and a narcissist and much too arrogant. I have a lot more compassion now, but it took a long time. -- Andrew Sarris
  • Being a narcissist isn't easy when the question is not of loving your own image, but of recreating the self through deliberate acts of alienation. -- Orlan
  • The sadistic narcissist perceives himself as Godlike, ruthless and devoid of scruples, capricious and unfathomable, emotion-less and non-sexual, omniscient, omnipotent and omni-present, a plague, a devastation, an inescapable verdict. -- Sam Vaknin
  • My wife thinks I'm a narcissist, but I just think it's hilarious going on YouTube and seeing these covers. There are so many of them - literally hundreds! It's flattering. -- Charles Kelley
  • I am a recovering narcissist. I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love. -- Emily Levine
  • I think it's very difficult, and it requires a tremendous amount of spiritual integrity and discipline, to not be a narcissist in a culture that encourages it every step of the way. -- Alan Ball
  • What is most difficult is when the large part of me that is a narcissist grows weary and is overtaken by the self-loathing part that always lurks in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to shine. -- Greg Fitzsimmons
  • I'm not a narcissist, but I definitely have gotten enough explosive narcissistic shrapnel from my father. I'm sort of wired that way, but I don't feel that I'm pathological, so all I can pull from is my own existence and my knowledge. -- Marc Maron
  • Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • I've had years of psychiatry, and I ask about every six months - it's sort of like getting your oil checked - I ask, 'I'm not an actual narcissist, am I?' The learned men of psychiatry assure me that I meet none of the medical criteria. -- Rob Lowe
  • It is not difficult to destroy Islam. Islam is the pumped up ego of a megalomaniac psychopath. Muhammad was a narcissist madman. Just as a huge balloon can be deflated by a small needle, all it takes to make Islam explode is to ridicule its loony inventor and its brainless followers. -- Ali Sina
  • Bill Clinton wanted to survive. And Bill Clinton wanted to thrive, not just for himself, although that's primarily what drives Bill Clinton. He's a classic narcissist. So of course he wanted to thrive and succeed. But he also wanted America to thrive and succeed, which is why he worked with a Republican Congress. -- Monica Crowley
  • I've been asked many times if I considered myself a narcissist, so I looked up the real meaning of the word, and I came to the conclusion that indeed I am one. I think of myself as better than other people, not every person, but many, unique and talented, and I aim to success. -- Robbie Williams
  • As a songwriter I hate this whole, 'If it's a sad song, it has to sound like a sad song thing.' And that goes all the way back to my days with the Format. I'm an insane narcissist, so if I have to get something off my chest, I'll get something off my chest. -- Nate Ruess
  • The idea that guys should walk into a bar and confidently initiate contact and then seduce a woman based on a short term conversation is a toxic cultural myth that robs guys of self-confidence and that holds them up to an unrealistic standard that they have to become a super-extraverted narcissist in order to 'score with women' -- Tucker Max
  • Fire, ice, asteroids and pole shifts are bogeymen with which we distract ourselves from the real threat of our time. In an age when everyone invents his own truth, there is no community, only factions. Without community, there can be no consensus to resist the greedy, the envious, the power-mad narcissists who seize control and turn the institutions of civilization into a series of doom machines. -- Dean Koontz
  • I'm too ugly to be a narcissist. -- Mitch Albom from "Tuesdays with Morrie"
  • Yes, I am a narcissist. The best, too. -- Terrell Owens
  • I used to play a narcissistic conservative pundit. Now I'm just a narcissist. -- Stephen Colbert
  • Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked. Give it and be treated with indifference. -- Mason Cooley
  • Am I really just a narcissist, Cause I wake up to a bowl of lobster bisque? -- Rick Ross
  • Hypocrissist: A narcissist who has their head so far up their ass they can't hear the hypocrisy coming out of their mouth. -- Joel McDonald
  • In real life, I'd say that your commitment-phobe/narcissist/bad boy boyfriend is a lost cause, but romance is shelved in fiction for a reason. -- Sarah MacLean
  • I am not a villain.I'm an only-child narcissist monster, but I wish no ill, nor do I wish for world domination; what a hassle that would be! -- John Hodgman
  • You're human. You'll screw up. Denying that is crazy. Forgiving yourself has all the benefits of self-esteem without making you a narcissist that's out of touch with reality. -- David D. Burns
  • I devoured books like a person taking vitamins, afraid that otherwise I would remain this gelatinous narcissist, with no possibility of ever becoming thoughtful, of ever being taken seriously. -- Anne Lamott
  • Having invented himself, the narcissist sees no problem in recasting that which he had designed in the first place. The narcissist is his own repeated Creator - hence his grandiosity. -- Sam Vaknin
  • Muhammad was a narcissist and Muslims, by having entered into his bubble universe have become narcissists by extension. More precisely, they are reverse narcissists. A commonly used term for reverse narcissist is co-dependent. -- Ali Sina