Memos quotes:

  • This supposed to be yall year? We aint get the memo. -- Drake
  • Memo to young journalists: Democratic victories are always ascribed to hope; Republican ones to rage. -- David Brooks
  • God isn't waiting on our memo. He is waiting on us to focus enough on Him that we get His memo. -- Louie Giglio
  • I learned early on that if you don't want your memos to get you in trouble someday, just don't write any. -- Dick Cheney
  • CBS is planning a tribute to Dan Rather... the memo went out a month ago but everyone assumed it was a fake. -- Ann Coulter
  • Memo to extreme partisans: If you can't bring yourselves to love your enemies, can you at least learn to hate your friends? -- Walter Kirn
  • And Oliver North was really a good soldier, up to the last moment, shoving memos into the shredder and defending the policy to the end. -- Bobby Ray Inman
  • CIA Director George Tenet has now testified before the 9/11 commission and he said we are still making the same dumb mistakes, like leaving memos on the President's desk. -- David Letterman
  • Although it is the biggest time-waster in office life, you must never underrate the importance of the memo. You will be judged by the volume of your paper work. -- Jilly Cooper
  • I did think reviewers were supposed to be polite about story collections - collections are rather delicate creatures in the literary environment - but not everybody got this memo, I guess. -- Lorrie Moore
  • The memo's chief function ... is as a track-coverer, so that you can turn on someone six months later and snarl: 'Well, you should have known about it, I sent you a memo. -- Jilly Cooper
  • I've been a musician since I was nine. I think a ghost or goblin visited me in the night. Maybe aliens abducted me, or a divine figure sent me a spiritual memo. Who knows. -- Alan Cohen
  • If English is spoken in heaven. God undoubtedly employs Cranmer as his speechwriter. The angels of the lesser ministries probably use the language of the New English Bible and the Alternative Service Book for internal memos. -- Prince Charles
  • The key to leadership is having a vision, and being strong enough to say no and not try to please everybody. Thats a recipe for failure. Leadership is practiced through attitude and actions, rather than words and memos. -- Matt Mickiewicz
  • I mean, we've had all these awful pictures from the prison in Iraq and these sort of memos floating around about justifying torture, all this kind of stuff. And it makes you want to take a shower, you know? -- Ron Reagan
  • Language can still be an adventure if we remember that words can make a kind of melody. In novels, news stories, memoirs and even to-the-point memos, music is as important as meaning. In fact, music can drive home the meaning of words. -- Constance Hale
  • The world is full of CEOs that think that just because they write a memo or they write a letter inside an annual report or they give a little video speech that gets sent around the company, they think that's what's really going to affect employees. -- Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
  • The attorney general would call at 5 o'clock in the evening and say: 'Tomorrow morning we are going to try to integrate the University of Mississippi. Get us a memo on what we're likely to do, and what we can do if the governor sends the National Guard there.' -- Harold H. Greene
  • President Bush insisted that there was nothing in the August 6th, 2001 briefing, which was titled 'Bin Laden determined to attack the United States', that hinted what bin Laden was up to. Bush says that he would have moved mountains to stop the attack. Yeah, but he draws the line at reading a memo. -- David Letterman
  • I think my wife puts up with me 'cause I try. I think that's all any guy can do is just try. That's right! 'Cause we ain't never gunna get it. 'Cause as soon as we get close you ladies change it. It's like this memo goes out, 'they're getting close, change it, change it!' -- Bill Engvall
  • Your hands are not made to type out memos. Or put paper through fax machines. Or hold a phone up while you talk to people you dislike. 100 years from now your hands will rot like dust in your grave. You have to make wonderful use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so they can make magic. -- James Altucher
  • What these memos do is they make legal acts that were criminal prior to these memos. -- Jane Mayer