Last Sacrifice quotes:

  • You see something you like? -- Richelle Mead
  • We cannot road trip to Paris. -- Richelle Mead
  • My death will not be penciled on someone's calendar. -- Richelle Mead
  • Life, unfortunately, doesn't seem to care what we want. -- Richelle Mead
  • You're better than this. Better than whatever it is you're going to do now. -- Richelle Mead
  • You've got to take it on faith that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. -- Richelle Mead
  • VAMPIRE ACADEMY: Rose- See something you like? Dimitri- Get dressed. LAST SACRIFICE: Rose- See something you like? Dimitri- Lots -- Richelle Mead
  • Dmitri was at a total loss. It was a common reaction for people when I agreed to do something reasonable. -- Richelle Mead
  • What have I done?" I whispered. Jill put her arm around me, but it was Dimitri who spoke. "What you had to. -- Richelle Mead
  • It was the most convulted, ridiculous piece of logic I'd heard in awhile... It was something I would have come up with. -- Richelle Mead
  • Was this all part of your plan as my lawyer? I don't recall explosive escapes being part of the legal training." "Well, I'm sure it wasn't part of Damon Taru's legal training. -- Richelle Mead
  • Boy is he pissed," said Adrian. "Do you blame him?" asked Christian. "He just lost memerbship in the evil mastermind club. His brilliant plan fell apart, and now his daughter's missing when he thought she was somewhere safe." Adrian stayed pointedly silent. -- Richelle Mead
  • What's going on?" he asked, looking from face to face. "I was having a good dream." "I need you," said Lissa. "I hear that from women a lot," said Adrian. Christian made a gagging sound, but the faintest glimmer of a smile crossed Eddie's lips, despite his otherwise tough guardian-stance. -- Richelle Mead
  • What?" I asked uneasily. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He shook his head, the smile rueful now. "Because sometimes, a person can get so caught up in the details that they miss the whole. It's not just the dress or the hair. It's YOU. You're beautiful. So beautiful, it hurts me. -- Richelle Mead
  • The unvarnished truth is that we have spent the last decade funding the machinery of war, and our children have been sacrificed. -- LeVar Burton
  • Much has been accomplished during the last year in the campaign against terrorism. This struggle will require vigilance, perseverance and sacrifice for many years to come. -- Paul Cellucci
  • Watching President Obama apologize last week for America's arrogance - before a French audience that owes its freedom to the sacrifices of Americans - helped convince me that he has a deep-seated antipathy toward American values and traditions. -- Rick Santorum
  • Our late Leader, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, with his universal sympathy for all oppressed and his profound understanding of Jesus' revolutionary spirit of love and sacrifice, carried on his revolutionary work for forty years and brought about at last the liberation of the Chinese people. -- Chiang Kai-shek
  • The entire political elite has mismanaged the Indian economy for the last 50 years. You cannot solve a crisis that is borne as a symptom of mismanagement in just five minutes or in a week. It will involve significant sacrifices and pain, and I doubt that in India there is the political will to face the music. -- Marc Faber
  • As tennis players, we work and we sacrifice many things. To lose, that's not a happy thing - I mean sure, I was disappointed. You have to come back strong. But to win the last point in a grand slam tournament, that's the most beautiful and most satisfying feeling you can get as a tennis player. It's worth it. -- Bjorn Borg
  • The problem that faces our country today, the last 30 years we have lived off the future, and the bill is coming due. So there cannot be anything that is not put on the table. There will not be one American that will not be called to sacrifice. Those that are more well-to-do will be called to sacrifice to a greater extent. -- Tom Coburn
  • We shall not lightly talk about sacrifice until we are driven to the last extremity which makes sacrifice inevitable. -- Chiang Kai-shek
  • I wouldn't want to sacrifice the last years that I have of being youthful in this business to have kids. -- Michelle Rodriguez
  • The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. we ought, for so dear a stake, to sacrifice every attachment & every enmity. -- Thomas Jefferson