John Edwards quotes:

  • Somebody is going to have to do fancy footwork to make sure Elizabeth and John Edwards get their prime-time shot . -- Jeff Greenfield
  • John Edwards comes from working folk, just like me. John Edwards worked hard and excelled to get his education, just like me. -- Harvey Gantt
  • Mitt Romney is a true Mormon. John Edwards and Bill Clinton are not real Mormons. It was not 'Brigham Young' they were chanting. It was 'Bring 'em young.' -- Evan Sayet
  • When you are raised, as John Edwards was, in a small town like Robbins, North Carolina, you get to understand poverty and unemployment, or inadequate health care, first-hand by seeing the daily struggles of your friends and neighbors. -- Harvey Gantt
  • I think the country is very settled in a lot of ways, and we saw that after the Democratic Convention. I think a lot of the bump that we enjoyed came when John Kerry selected John Edwards as his running mate. -- Harold Ford, Jr.
  • I'm from North Carolina, and I stand here humbled, honored, and proud to place in nomination for the office of vice-president of the United States of America, my friend and my senator from the great state of North Carolina: John Edwards. -- Harvey Gantt
  • John Edwards makes us all proud to be Americans, and those of us from North Carolina are even more proud to claim him, for he represents the best that we can offer America at a time when strong, positive leadership is needed. -- Harvey Gantt
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  • I read 'Game Change.' If you want to relive the campaign, that book is unbelievable. It's great. It's the book of that campaign. It brought all the memories back of everything with Clinton and Obama, and Sarah Palin and McCain, and choosing her, and John Edwards. It was an interesting book. -- Annette Bening
  • But it was very hard for people to separate me out from Hillary Clinton. All their ads were Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, and me. They said I was more liberal than these guys, and that if I went to Washington I'd be supporting their agenda. I found that extremely difficult to overcome. -- Brad Carson
  • If that's your definition of the Clinton faction, then I think that that seems to be in ascendancy. That might include a guy like John Edwards, who's just starting this new center in Chapel Hill to deal with issues of poverty and work. -- John Podesta
  • Tiger Woods and John Edwards had a better year than the Stimulus bill. -- Mitch McConnell
  • We've had a Congress that's spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop. -- Mike Huckabee
  • In South Carolina, Senator John Edwards won handily, fulfilling his promise to win every state he was born in. -- Jon Stewart
  • John Edwards is a tragic case of a man who ran for President when he should have joined the Secret Service. -- Andy Borowitz
  • Satan called - he's changed the sheets, fluffed the pillows and laid out the complimentary chocolate. Hell is ready for John Edwards. -- Christopher Titus
  • I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards but you have to go into rehab if you use the word faggot. -- Ann Coulter
  • If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot. -- Ann Coulter
  • How about this John Edwards thing? Imagine that, a personal injury attorney who turns out to be a sleaze ball. Who could have seen that coming? -- Jay Leno
  • Mitt Romney is a true Mormon. John Edwards and Bill Clinton are not real Mormons. It was not 'Brigham Young' they were chanting. It was 'Bring 'em young. -- Evan Sayet
  • [Senators John Kerry & John Edwards] have risen high in Democratic polls with a brand of class resentment and soak-the-rich rhetoric rooted in the old-fashioned liberalism of Ted Kennedy. -- William Safire
  • There are rumors that there is a John Edwards sex tape. People say it's twenty minutes of Edwards caressing and stroking...And that's just the part where he fixes his hair. -- Craig Ferguson
  • A Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Edwards, Howard Dean, George Soros, or Al Gore looks - no, acts - like he either came out of a hairstylist's salon or got off a Gulfstream. -- Victor Davis Hanson
  • It's the best proposal that we ought to have because it's flatter, it's fairer, it's finite, it's family friendly. And instead, we've had a Congress that spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop. -- Mike Huckabee
  • Kerry has already begun his search for a running mate. They say that because John Edwards still has $50 million in campaign money, Kerry might pick him. Pick him? Hey, for $50 million, Kerry will marry him. -- Jay Leno
  • Democratic candidate John Kerry on Tuesday chose fellow Senator John Edwards to be his running mate. Asked about Edwards' lack of foreign policy experience, Kerry revealed his new campaign slogan, 'I Promise Not to Die.' -- Dennis Miller
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  • What could have John Edwards' motivations been to have the affair with Rielle Hunter, given his wife is smarter than he is and probably nagging him a lot about doing this, and he found somebody that did something with her mouth other than talk. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • A new poll says that if the election were held today, both John Kerry and John Edwards would beat President Bush by double digit margins. The White House is so worried about this, they're now thinking of moving up the capture of Osama Bin Laden to next month. -- Jay Leno