Indoor quotes:

  • Indoor pools just don't seem as inviting to me. -- Summer Sanders
  • I began playing in the Pacific Coast Indoor Tennis Championships. -- Tracy Austin
  • Cameron Indoor Stadium is a special place in sports and there's really nothing else out there quite like it. Anytime I'm inside Cameron, I've got memories. Cameron is like Yankee Stadium or the old Boston Garden. -- Grant Hill
  • People in West Virginia do have cars. We have indoor plumbing. We even use knives and forks. -- John Kruk
  • I was always a very indoor videogame nerd movie buff... Now I've come to appreciate Scouts and the outdoors. -- Jared Gilman
  • Television is like the invention of indoor plumbing. It didn't change people's habits. It just kept them inside the house. -- Alfred Hitchcock
  • One of the things I do in my cookbooks is I will do a conversion from outdoor to indoor grilling so you can do it year-round. -- Sandra Lee
  • We have created indoor installations inside museums, like the Wrapped Floor at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago in 1968, and not monumental at all by any standards. -- Christo
  • We just bought this house. It's too big. It's like 400,000 square feet, or something. We got an indoor lake and ski slope in the house! It's just too big. -- Adam Sandler
  • Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay. -- Zadie Smith
  • I grew up in Nacogdoches, Texas... raised by my grandmother. We were very poor and had no indoor plumbing. My grandmother was a very religious woman, though, and she gave me a lot of faith and inner strength. -- Alana Stewart
  • I was mostly an indoor girl at university. Where other students did drama or music or sport alongside their degrees, I wrote. I used to work on essays and classwork during the day and 'The Bone Season' in the evenings. -- Samantha Shannon
  • When I saw that Wrestlemania had broken an indoor attendance record, I just walked into a wrestling office, Championship Wrestling in Florida, during the offseason, and they introduced me to Hiro Matsuda, who became my mentor... and the rest is history! -- Lex Luger
  • I like indoor Christmas trees. And I like people who decorate their homes with lights and all that crap. I think it's a healthy outlet for them. If they weren't covering their lawns with twinkling lights, they'd be doing something that was really, really creepy. -- Lewis Black
  • We have grown accustomed to the wonders of clean water, indoor plumbing, laser surgery, genetic engineering, artificial joints, replacement body parts, and the much longer lives that accompany them. Yet we should remember that the vast majority of humans ever born died before the age of 10 from an infectious disease. -- S. Jay Olshansky
  • Being surrounded by hockey, I got forced into it as a kid. I started skating when I was 4 and had a rink only 10 minutes from my home. In my town, we had one outdoor rink and one indoor rink, so you could skate all year long. I lived by a lake, too, so we did a lot of skating on the lake. -- Carl Hagelin
  • One time at the University of Colorado, at a faculty dinner, this professor said to me, 'Well, my goodness, a boy from Appa-lay-chee-a with a Ph.D!' The dinner was in her house. And I said, 'My grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing, but they had more books in their house than you do.' I was a little insulted by the Appa-lay-chee-a business. -- Charles Frazier
  • Anyone serious about playing indoor, you should play outdoor. -- Sean William Scott
  • One thing I loved about New Zealand was the indoor/outdoor lifestyle of the place. -- Gabriel Mann
  • I never saw an athletic girl that thought she was strong enough to do indoor work. -- Kin Hubbard
  • I describe myself as an indoor cat, because I'm a computer guy and I always have been. -- Edward Snowden
  • You should be aiming to illuminate your indoor daytime environment with natural outdoor light, not electrical lighting products. -- Steven Magee
  • Girls gave sex to get love and boys gave love to get sex and conning girls was the favorite indoor sport. -- Merle Shain
  • We live in an age where... Christian bashing is a popular indoor sport; and films mocking Jesus Christ are considered avant-garde. -- Pat Buchanan
  • Don't over-analyze your marriage; it's like yanking up a fragile indoor plant every 20 minutes to see how its roots are growing. -- Ogden Nash
  • I do admire [Willie] Wonka. He's a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulations, slave labor and an indoor boat. Wonderful. -- Alec Baldwin
  • If you learn indoor techniques, you will think narrowly and forget the true Way. Thus you will have difficulty in actual encounters. -- Miyamoto Musashi
  • I love indoor plants. It makes any room feel open, fresh and homey. Keeping them alive is always a fun challenge for me! -- Karlie Kloss
  • I love indoor cycling - it has made a really big difference. I feel a lot skinnier. It's kind of the ultimate cardio. -- Kate Bosworth
  • Gambling in the mark has been the great indoor sport of the capitalists for months, and consequently food has increased by 25 to 100 per cent. -- Agnes Smedley
  • We've created the best indoor winter facility in the world. Having set that benchmark, it could inspire a whole new generation throughout the world. -- Phil Taylor
  • Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing, Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms, Strong and content I travel the open road. -- Walt Whitman
  • I suppose now I'm obliged to wish you happiness in your new life. Although happiness in the absence of indoor plumbing is a debatable concept. -- Lisa Kleypas
  • For all its prestige, its fabulous views, its indoor pool, and its lovely garden, 24 Sussex is more like an old hotel than a modern home. -- Jean Chretien
  • I want to get up in the morning and just roll over in my bed into an indoor swimming pool. And then swim to the breakfast table. -- Jimi Hendrix
  • Eating is really one of your indoor sports. You play three times a day, and it's well worth while to make the game as pleasant as possible. -- Dorothy Draper
  • This sort of day makes indoor work seem shameful. So working outside, whether in the garden or the woods or on the front porch..., is a sacrament. -- Robert Michael Pyle
  • Kids are natural little outdoor people. It is we, the adults, who turn them into indoor people. If you don't get of fyour computer, why should they? -- Mark Jenkins
  • You know what I hate? The outdoors. I mean, generally. I don't like outside. I'm an inside person. I'm all about refrigeration and indoor plumbing and Judge Judy. -- John Green
  • Now that we're essentially an indoor species, walled off from the world of other life forms, we're divorced from the very domain that supports and sustains our lives. -- Charlie Cook
  • Men emerge pale from the little printing plant at four sharp, ghosts for an instant, blinking, until the outdoor light overcomes the look of constant indoor light clinging to them. -- John Updike
  • In metaphysics, the notion that earth and all that's on it is a mental construct is the product of people who spend their lives inside rooms. It is an indoor philosophy. -- Edward Abbey
  • The girls were expected to grow up to be somebody's wife. They were also expected to read and write, those being considered soft indoor jobs that were too fiddly for the boys. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I was the kid who read a lot and who was academic, and who was more of an indoor person than an outdoor person. I would win the summer reading contest at the library. -- Julianne Moore
  • In many rural areas of the world, local communities use kerosene for indoor lighting, which leads to asthma, poor quality of light, and the desperate cycle of oil-based products that continually degrade the environment. -- Olafur Eliasson
  • An indoor man eats nothing, except that which is prepared and served by his mother with lots of insults, an outdoor man eats that which he buys, prepares, served and eaten with lots of respect. -- Michael Bassey Johnson