Greatness of people quotes:

  • I believe in the greatness of our people. -- Chen Shui-bian
  • Do not trust people. They are capable of greatness. -- Stanislaw Lem
  • I am one of the people who love the why of things. -- Catherine the Great
  • Of the great entrepreneurs of this era, people will have forgotten Steve Jobs. -- Malcolm Gladwell
  • It's great to blow the image that people have of me out of the water. -- Hugo Weaving
  • We, the people of the United States, we are a great Nation with a great vision. -- Steve Buyer
  • Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule. -- Gerald R. Ford
  • When government gets out of the way, the people achieve great things because of the promise of great rewards. -- Monica Crowley
  • Cornwall is one of the most beautiful places, with great people - there's not a great downside to it. -- Tori Amos
  • I have a great, great company. I employ thousands of people. And I'm very proud of the job I did. -- Donald Trump
  • I just have a great life. I know great people. I've had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships. -- Julia Roberts
  • L.A.'s a great city in a lot of ways. There's a lot of great weather here. I know some good people. -- Tahmoh Penikett
  • America's greatness is not found in the size of its government. America's greatness resides in the hearts and the minds of the people. -- Rick Perry
  • I still have a great deal of faith in our political system and a great deal of faith in the American people and voter. -- Sharron Angle
  • Twitter's a great way to tell people across the world what I care about and, hopefully, motivate them to join me in furthering my causes. -- Queen Rania of Jordan
  • People don't really have a relationship with great writing or great production or great art direction or great direction. They just sort of admire it. -- Steven Moffat
  • A lot of great people come to Facebook. In our business, we're about how do we help connect our companies to great people across all levels. -- David Sze
  • A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have great hope live. And, some of them who have great hope die. So it's not that hope is going to save you. -- Elizabeth Edwards
  • Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result. -- Andrew Jackson
  • Wit is so shining a quality that everybody admires it; most people aim at it, all people fear it, and few love it unless in themselves. A man must have a good share of wit himself to endure a great share of it in another. -- Philip Stanhope
  • Sometimes people forget their own greatness. -- Jason Mraz
  • When your silent, people recognize your greatness. -- Jordan Burroughs
  • I've always known the greatness of black people. -- Jasmine Guy
  • There's a greatness in not caring what people think -- Melissa McCarthy
  • Do not trust people. They are capable of greatness.. -- Stanislaw Lem
  • Take a look people, take a good look at greatness! -- Randy Orton
  • You treat people with greatness and greatness will come back to you. -- Afrika Bambaataa
  • None, but people of strong passion are capable of rising to greatness. -- Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau
  • Some people are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them -- Monica Lewinsky
  • The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it. -- Francis Bacon
  • Some people are destined for greatness; others fall up a hill to get there. -- Nick Bilton
  • Some people have greatness thrust upon them. Very few have excellence thrust upon them. -- John W. Gardner
  • Greatness is not guarding yourself from people. Greatness is being accepted by the people -- Mike Tyson
  • The key to greatness is to look for people's potential and spend time developing it. -- Peter Drucker
  • Those who truly want greatness must surround themselves with people even greater than they are. -- Dan Pearce
  • A city's greatness is manifest in a people confident in their ability to take risks, to encounter -- Pier Giorgio Di Cicco
  • You don't achieve greatness in life being surrounded by mediocre people with mediocre values. Choose your company wisely. -- Amy Chan
  • Some achieve greatness through people who lift them higher. Others find it when they have to stand alone. -- Rachel Hamilton
  • Greatness brings no profit to people. God indeed, when in anger, brings greater ruin to great mens houses. -- Euripides
  • Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering...wh o see the greatness in you! -- Wayne Dyer
  • The seeds of greatness are ideas you learn from people who've been great in their service to others. -- Denis Waitley
  • The way I like to measure greatness is... How many people can you make want to be better? -- Will Smith
  • Some people chase money. Some people chase fame. Some chase greatness - and that's what I'm trying to do. -- J. J. Watt
  • those two wholesome defects of the French people, malice and curiosity, both of which are essential to its greatness. -- Marthe Bibesco
  • If we as a people realized the greatness from which we came we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves. -- Marcus Garvey
  • A dying people tolerates the present, rejects the future, and finds its satisfactions in past greatness and half remembered glory -- John Steinbeck
  • Great people are not people who have never fallen down. Greatness has to do with how you get back up. -- Marianne Williamson
  • "Not being virulently and overtly racist against black people" and "treating gay people like human beings" are necessary conditions of greatness. -- Mallory Ortberg
  • The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already. -- John Buchan
  • A leader sees greatness in other people. He nor she can be much of a leader if all she sees is herself. -- Maya Angelou
  • I believe that everyone is destined for greatness, but most people aren't willing to pay the price it takes to get there. -- Clifton Anderson
  • My personal interest in ordinary people is unlimited, but I am fascinated by the challenge of portraying true greatness adequately with my camera. -- Yousuf Karsh
  • Everybody in America has to be part of a shared sacrifice to create opportunity for greatness again for our people and our country. -- Chris Christie
  • Greatness is in influence, and not necessarily in affluence. It is not achieved by being a 'paper millionaire', but by being a 'people millionaire'. -- Ogwo David Emenike
  • I'd be happy if people said that I did a little bit to raise the dignity and recognition of the greatness of African-American music. -- Ahmet Ertegun
  • America's greatness has been the greatness of a free people who shared certain moral commitments. Freedom without moral commitment is aimless and promptly self-destructive. -- John W. Gardner
  • Many people talk a lot about environmental preservation, but true greatness lies in putting these principles into practice and actually doing something about it. -- Mata Amritanandamayi
  • God really is in the business of blessing his people in unusual ways so his goodness and his greatness will be declared among all peoples. -- David Platt
  • Most people define greatness through wealth and popularity and position in the corner office. But what I call everyday greatness comes from character and contribution. -- Stephen Covey
  • Jesus measured greatness in terms of service not status. God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, not how many people serve you. -- Rick Warren
  • The German countryside must be preserved under all circumstances, for it is and has forever been the source of strength and greatness of our people. -- Adolf Hitler
  • there on the beaches of Normandy I began to reflect on the wonders of these ordinary people whose lives were laced with the markings of greatness. -- Tom Brokaw
  • Because a sound tree doesn't have bad roots, Amara. No enterprise of greatness begins with treachery, with lying to the people who trust and love you -- Jim Butcher
  • For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds more charged with safeguarding mediocrity. If you want to be wealthy, stop taking financial advice from broke people. -- Randy Gage
  • I have a sense of greatness, which comes from feeling that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing on the planet - empowering people, especially women. -- Oprah Winfrey
  • I am desperate for attention. But everyone else is too. Everyone has fantasies of fame and greatness. Life for most people is a process of shedding those fantasies. -- Sebastian Horsley
  • Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness. -- Bo Bennett
  • This is how God works. He puts people in positions where they are desperate for his power, and then he shows his provision in ways that display his greatness -- David Platt
  • Who do you want to surround yourself with? People who can pull you up to their level of greatness? Or people who will happily pull you down to theirs?" -- Dan Pearce
  • Powerful dictatorships that make their leaders powerful need to stage wars to get ordinary people to march in lockstep like mindless Nazi robots. That is the road to Greatness. -- Michael A. Ledeen
  • Spaghetti is good with ranch, and spaghetti is good with sugar. You put all of that together and make a sandwich out of it and you get greatness. People shouldn't judge unless they try it. -- Terry Rozier