Google Maps quotes:

  • Google Maps are phenomenal. Yep, ask an Apple user. -- Eric Schmidt
  • Greenpeace protesters who lived on the trees right above the planned radar location (Google Maps) and who eat environmentally friendly roots, insect, excrements, and dirt. -- Lubos Motl
  • We know that Google Earth and Google Maps have had a tremendous impact on Google traffic, users, brand, adoption, and advertisers. We also know Google News, for example, which we don't monetize, has had a tremendous impact on searches and on query quality. We know those people search more. Because we've measured it. -- Eric Schmidt
  • I do want to emphasize that we've seen an explosion in the use of Google Maps and Google Earth for education. The earth is a special place. It is our home and it's why we're all here. And the ability to see what's really going on the earth, the good stuff and the bad stuff, at the level that you can, is phenomenal. -- Eric Schmidt
  • I've been touring a lot, and I don't always know how to get around. Google Maps on the iPhone is pretty helpful with that. -- Joe Trohman
  • I left Google after four years of working on Google Maps, search, and Google TV as a product marketing manager. I knew I wanted to do something on my own. -- Brit Morin
  • More than a billion people have downloaded Google Earth. More than a billion people use Google Maps. They are very comfortable tools for people to explore the planet in high resolution. -- Rebecca Moore
  • Google's founders have had a good eye for imagining what technologies will be significant in the near future. No one asked Google to develop self-driving cars, but it helped them with street views for Google Maps. -- Barry Ritholtz
  • So, if I looked him up on google maps- -- Rick Riordan
  • As people talk, text and browse, telecommunication networks are capturing urban flows in real time and crystallizing them as Google's traffic congestion maps. -- Carlo Ratti
  • In this new age of GPS, Google Earth and multidimensional digital maps, mapping is suddenly hugely relevant again. -- Hans-Ulrich Obrist