Fear Of Flying quotes:

  • I don't have a fear of flying; I have a fear of crashing. -- Billy Bob Thornton
  • I took a Fear of Flying class, and I always missed the class, because I was always flying. -- Sara Blakely
  • I thought Erica Jongs Fear of Flying was one of the biggest pieces of crap that Ive ever read in my life. -- Helen Reddy
  • Fear paralyses you - fear of flying, fear of the future, fear of leaving a rubbish marriage, fear of public speaking, or whatever it is. -- Annie Lennox
  • I've had a lot of fear in my life, from fear of flying to fear of making a speech in front of a lot of people. -- Chris Evert
  • My father taught me to not fear anything. Having said that, much of my addiction to alcohol and drugs was tied to fear: fear of flying, fear of talking to women, etc. I conquered those fears years ago. -- Derek Sanderson
  • As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there's a great big world to explore out there. -- Beth Ditto
  • I don't think that I had any idea that 'Fear of Flying' would become a part of the culture. I had no idea that it would go all over the world and be published in Chinese and Serbo-Croat and so on. -- Erica Jong
  • I try to get in quiet time and book time, but really, the only time I ever get that is when I'm on an airplane - I have a fear of flying, but I actually love flying because it's the only time I can sleep, and it's the only time I get to read. -- Kesha
  • You know I never used to be a bad flyer, but I did start to have a fear of flying after I shot a movie where I was terrorized on a plane. I made Wes Craven's 'Red Eye'. I don't think they're linked but it does make me pause and wonder if they are, so perhaps I will explore that in therapy some day. -- Rachel McAdams
  • My fear of flying starts as soon as I buckle myself in and then the guy up front mumbles a few unintelligible words then before I know it I'm thrust into the back of my seat by acceleration that seems way too fast and the rest of the trip is an endless nightmare of turbulence, of near misses. And then the cabbie drops me off at the airport. -- Dennis Miller
  • What flying teaches you is to overcome fear with knowledge. -- Oliver Smithies
  • My greatest fear is flying. And I do a lot of flying, so that's a bummer -- Kylie Bax
  • My greatest fear is flying. And I do a lot of flying, so that's a bummer. -- Kylie Bax
  • Grief is no more necessary when we understand death than fear is necessary when we understand flying. -- Richard Bach
  • Sometimes I truly fear that I am losing my mind. And if I did it it would be like flying blind. -- Howard Hughes
  • I do have a bit of a fear of heights. But I don't get scared of heights when I am flying a plane. -- David Mackay
  • If you have a fear of flying, don't. The data are very clear: If you have to travel someplace, the safest way is by airplane. -- Peter Diamandis
  • Flying to me isn't scary, it's just incredibly boring. And I guess I have a fear of boredom, so in that regard, I'm afraid to fly. -- Chuck Klosterman
  • Merrily, merrily, listen to me, Flitting and flying from tree to tree. Nothing fear I, by land or sea, For God in Heaven is watching me. -- Maud Lindsay