Famous Artist quotes:

  • From famous artists to building contractors, we all want to leave our signature. Our lasting effect. Your life after death. We all want to explain ourselves. Nobody wants to be forgotten. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • There's a myth among amateurs, optimists and fools that beyond a certain level of achievement, famous artists retire to some kind of Elysium where criticism no longer wounds and work materializes without their effort. -- Mark Matousek
  • Most famous artists are created by their work and the idea of them as a character, and if they're smart and ambitious, they reinforce that character because they want to win. They want their views to prevail. -- Dave Hickey
  • Van Gogh was so under appreciated in his time, he sold only one of his 900 paintings while alive. Posthumously, he became one of the most famous artists of all time and his work is now considered priceless. Oh the irony. -- Vincent Van Gogh
  • When I got into the music industry, I wasn't focused on being the most famous artist or even getting a major record deal. It was just to make music on my own terms or create my own image, do my own hair, do my own makeup. -- Janelle Monae
  • When I came to New York, I began to meet the people who became the most famous artists of our time. I was insecure about my own level of ability, I didn't know whether I could compete with these people and, at the same time. I was wondering what is this anyway? -- Henry Flynt
  • I am a famous artist. I make millions. But I frequently see debut shows of unknown artists with prices that are double of mine... what they're really doing is barely getting by and helping me sell 1,000 paintings a year effortlessly, because they make my paintings look like such a bargain. Thank you to all the egotistical art students! -- Mark Kostabi
  • I am famous because I am an African American jazz artist. -- Nat King Cole
  • The most famous living artist in America is Andy Warhol, unfortunately. -- John Heilpern
  • You don't need to be famous to live a life as an artist. -- Sandra Bernhard
  • I've got something to live for, because I always wanted to be an artist; I always wanted to be famous. -- Daniel Johnston