English Countryside quotes:

  • I live in the English countryside, so I'm surrounded by magpies. -- Kenneth Branagh
  • Only in the English countryside could violent death remain something that is 'cosy.' -- Liz Williams
  • The English countryside, its growth and its destruction, is a genuine and tragic theme. -- E. M. Forster
  • As a little girl living in the English countryside, I used to go running around in the forests, creating my own fairy tale. -- Lily Collins
  • What makes me really happy is a walk in the English countryside. A nice sunset, that British countryside - it means I'm home. -- Natalie Dormer
  • I have, I must admit, despised the English countryside for much of my life - despised it and avoided it for its want of danger and adventure. -- Jim Crace
  • The English countryside is the most staggeringly beautiful place. I can't spend as much time there as I like, but I like everything about it. I like fishing, I like clay- pigeon shooting. -- Guy Ritchie
  • We lived on a farm in the English countryside, where we wrote a lot of our music. You really were treated like an artist during those days-not like product, which is now the mode. -- Gary Wright
  • Society in the English countryside is still strangely, quaintly divided. If black comedy and a certain type of social commentary are what you want, I think English rural communities offer quite a lot of material. -- Rachel Cusk
  • The English tradition offers the great tapestry novel, where you have the emotional aspect of a detective's personal life, the circumstances of the crime and, most important, the atmosphere of the English countryside that functions as another character. -- Elizabeth George
  • An awful lot of England is slowly eroding, in ways that I find really distressing, and an awful lot of it is the hedgerows... We're reaching the point where a lot of the English countryside looks just like Iowa - just kind of open space. -- Bill Bryson
  • I loved the [English] countryside. I went to John Bonham's grave. -- Bill Burr
  • What is it about the English countryside รข?? why is the beauty so much more than visual? Why does it touch one so? -- Dodie Smith
  • Growing up in the English countryside seemed an interminable process. Freezing winter gave way to frosty spring, which in turn merged into chilly summer-but nothing ever, ever happened. -- Jessica Mitford
  • In spite of holidays when I was free to visit London theatres and explore the countryside, I spent four very miserable years as a colonial at an English school. -- Patrick White
  • Of course, the English countryside is completely artificial. It was naturally a forest; they chopped down the trees and made it into what it is now: really a beautiful country. -- Freeman Dyson