Described quotes:

  • God is not described in equations. -- Sean M. Carroll
  • The description is not the described. -- Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • Humanity is best described as inhumanity. -- Pat Conroy
  • Lovemaking seems all too absurd when described. -- Dan Simmons
  • I have seldom been described as shy. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • Some things are better done than described. -- Thomas Hunt Morgan
  • America is best described by one word, freedom. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • I've been described as a grizzled political veteran. -- Joe Klein
  • Love cannot be described. It must be tasted. -- Rumi
  • It amuses me when I'm described as 'chic.' -- Vanessa Paradis
  • A man's character is best described in his epitaph -- Marilyn L. Rice
  • Gossip has been described as halitosis of the mind. -- Croft M. Pentz
  • I must say I've rarely been described as 'diplomat. -- Richard Armitage
  • I have described myself as being 'gently eccentric.' -- Daniel Radcliffe
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  • .. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real. -- Nick Vujicic
  • Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties. -- Gail Sheehy
  • There is nothing as mysterious as a fact clearly described. -- Garry Winogrand
  • Science may be described as the art of systematic over-simplification. -- Karl Popper
  • When I was younger, I was always described as happy-go-lucky. -- Michael J. Fox
  • Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up. -- Marian Keyes
  • I have described religion as the metaphysics of the people. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • I want to describe myself, not be described by others. -- Johnnie Cochran
  • Those who oppressed us described us as the Dark Continent! -- Thabo Mbeki
  • Your personality should be described in poem not in paragraph. -- Amit Kalantri
  • Hell has been described as a pocket edition of Chicago. -- Ashley Montagu
  • I don't mind being described as vanilla in certain ways. -- Cal Ripken, Jr.
  • I frequently hear our present period described as uncertain, confused, chaotic. -- George Crumb
  • Some full professors could more accurately be described as empty professors. -- Thomas Sowell
  • Certain gardens are described as retreats when they are really attacks. -- Ian Hamilton Finlay
  • John Jones may be described as 'one of the has beens'. -- William Hone
  • A good magic effect should easily be described in one sentence. -- Dai Vernon
  • Reality might be described as the eternal equipoise of positive and negative. -- Rachel Cusk
  • I can't be described as a sex symbol; I think it's ridiculous. -- Tom Mison
  • More than half described Christians as literalistic, anti-intellectual, judgmental, self-righteous, and bigoted. -- Marcus J. Borg
  • Writing can be described in two verbs: Throw up and clean up. -- Ray Bradbury
  • Jihad is described as a war against Muslims, to establish the religion. -- Mark Durie
  • My feelings can perhaps be imagined, but they can hardly be described. -- Yann Martel
  • We perceive and are affected by changes too subtle to be described. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another. -- Marcel Duchamp
  • A film that can be described in words is not really a film. -- Michelangelo Antonioni
  • I have always said and felt that true enjoyment can not be described. -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Sex education in the modern manner has been well-described as plumbing for hedonists. -- George F. Will
  • Much of writing might be described as mental pregnancy with successive difficult deliveries. -- J. B. Priestley
  • I had a terrible manager once who described my career as 'spiraling downward. -- Rickie Lee Jones
  • swear with a ferocity that can only be described as a talent. -- Markus Zusak
  • How pathetic it is to describe these things which can't truly be described. -- Anne Rice
  • I was once described by one of my critics as an aesthetic fascist. -- Alan Parker
  • In our educational institutions applied science may almost be described as a "no-man's land." -- Edward Teller
  • My parents lived likeas the neighbours described thema pair of chopsticks, always in harmony. -- Anchee Min
  • We are described into corners, and then we must describe ourselves out of corners. -- Salman Rushdie
  • Coincidence may be described as the chance encounter of two unrelated causal chains which -- Arthur Koestler
  • Isaiah Berlin described the intellectuals of [Mikhail] Bakunin's "Red bureaucracy" as a "secular priesthood. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Los Angeles is often described as the nadir of vapidity, a smog-choked space cradle. -- Diablo Cody
  • I think "creativity" is better described as failing repeatedly until you get something right. -- Seth Godin
  • Even the dog is described by the poet to have received justice under Ramarajya. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • I don't believe in God in the way I often see described by religion. -- Bennett Miller
  • I am quite correctly described as 'more of a sponge than an inventor....' -- Thomas A. Edison
  • True wit is everlasting, like the sun; describing all men, but described by none. -- George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham
  • I had a terrible manager once who described my career as 'spiraling downward.' -- Rickie Lee Jones
  • All these primary impulses, not easily described in words, are the springs of man's actions. -- Albert Einstein
  • If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it. -- George W. Bush
  • Some things just can't be described. And stepping onto the moon was one of them. -- Buzz Aldrin
  • Culture is properly described as the love of perfection; it is a study of perfection. -- Matthew Arnold
  • [My kitten's] gambols are not to be described, and would be incredible, if they could. -- William Cowper
  • The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to human intelligence. -- Joao Magueijo
  • It does irritate me when I am described as a controversialist and commentator on Israel. -- Tony Judt
  • A wicked person, swayed by evil motives and evil actions, is described as a demon. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • I am always being described as having views that I've never had in my life. -- Doris Lessing
  • It is not the object described that matters, but the light that falls on it. -- Boris Pasternak
  • I had what can only be described as the worst voice in the history of music. -- Jimmy Pardo
  • I always found it satisfying that gravity was described by Einstein's geometric theory of general relativity. -- Antony Garrett Lisi
  • I think the neoatheists have set atheism back a few decades. And I'm a self-described atheist. -- Matt Stone
  • The CIA's research program is described in a book called The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. -- Ken Follett
  • Someone once described the pitching of a no-hit game as like catching lighting in a bottle. -- W. P. Kinsella
  • I've always described parts as tattoos. For actors our tattoos are in the form of films. -- Eric Bana
  • The treasure I have found cannot be described in words, the mind cannot conceive of it. -- Adi Shankara
  • Steve McManaman once described Zinedine Zidane as ridiculous. You can't get a higher compliment than that. -- Jason McAteer
  • Had any poet adequately described the wretched ugliness of a loved one turned inside out with grief? -- Kate Morton
  • I've certainly long described myself as an activist. But an agitator? Well, yes, that too, I think. -- Martin Burns
  • Bill Evans described his tunes as vehicles; they are vehicles for self-expression, or expression of the self. -- Kenny Werner
  • Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds -- Samuel Butler
  • My departure from Hollywood was described as a walk-out. No one understood that I was cracking up. -- Gene Tierney
  • Writing shouldn't come between the reader and what's being described. It should be as transparent as possible. -- Diana Athill
  • For the people who don't know, my character could described, in a nutshell, as the bar dumb-dumb. -- Charlie Day
  • As for Gordon Brown - I've described him and Blair as two cheeks of the same arse. -- George Galloway
  • We know that nature is described by the best of all possible mathematics because God created it. -- Alexander Markovich Polyakov
  • In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry. -- Margaret Laurence
  • A critic once described me as an 'amiable beanpole.' I got it printed on a T-shirt. -- John Gordon Sinclair
  • I have described Swaraj as Ramarajya and Ramarajya is an impossibility unless we have thousands of Sitas. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The destination cannot be described; / You will know very little until you get there; / You will journey blind. -- T. S. Eliot
  • In 1920 [H.G. Wells] described human history as becoming more and more a race between education and catastrophe. -- Joel Garreau
  • The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels. -- Maria Montessori
  • Someone once described the information business as exactly the opposite of sex. When it's good, it's still lousy. -- Michael Bloomberg
  • When you align yourself with God's purpose as described in the Scriptures, something special happens to your life. -- Bono
  • Umpiring is best described as the profession of standing between two seven-year olds with one ice cream cone. -- Ron Luciano
  • Photons are accurately and legitimately described as waves and particles at the same time. They are genuine wavicles. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Even boredom should be described with gusto. How many things are happening on a day when nothing happens? -- Wislawa Szymborska
  • As you embrace the process-oriented approach described in The Practicing Mind, you'll achieve better results in any endeavor. -- Michael J. Gelb
  • In the corporate world, if you have analysts, due diligence, and no horse sense, you've just described hell. -- Charlie Munger
  • Most Kikuyu marriages were arranged on the basis of what is described by anthropologists as the bride price. -- Louis Leakey
  • Taxonomy is described sometimes as a science and sometimes as an art, but really itâ??s a battleground. -- Bill Bryson
  • The traditional face of Africa includes an attitude towards man which can only be described as being socialist -- Kwame Nkrumah
  • If a movie is described as a romantic comedy, you can usually find me next door playing pinball. -- George Carlin
  • Music is the expression of the movement of the waters, the play of curves described by changing breezes. -- Claude Debussy
  • God has been described by all the scriptures of the world as protector and saviour of the sinner. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The Brady Act was passed in response to what Congress described as an 'epidemic of gun violence.' -- David Souter
  • St. Teresa of Avila described our life in this world as like a night at a second-class hotel. -- Malcolm Muggeridge
  • It is freely admitted that this "testing" is far from ideal and could even be described as anecdotal. -- Eric Gill
  • Miracle: An event described by those to whom it was told by men who did not see it. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • Are you the one with the blue eyes?" "Actually, my eyes are usually described as golden...and luminous. -- Cassandra Clare
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  • My father described me as the oldest baby he'd ever seen. I apparently was very serious and reflective. -- Tim Robbins
  • Creativity in science could be described as the act of putting two and two together to make five -- Arthur Koestler
  • I am annoyed to find myself continually described by people whom I have never set eyes on as bad-tempered. -- Evelyn Waugh
  • Anything in history or nature that can be described as changing steadily can be seen as heading toward catastrophe. -- Susan Sontag
  • It has always been recognized that chess is an art, and its best practitioners have been described as artists. -- Alexander Kotov
  • It is within science itself, and not in some prior philosophy, that reality is to be identified and described. -- Willard Van Orman Quine
  • I am neither a Whig nor Tory. My politics are described in one word and that word is England. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is, therefore, well described as a series of glorious defeats. -- Mahatma Gandhi